How to Leverage SEO Writing for your Insurance Brand

When trying to attract new customers, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) writing is indispensable for your business and brand. When learning about your business online, SEO writing is what makes you more prominent in their search. Whatever kind of insurance you’re involved in, you need SEO writing to help drive traffic to your site. Good content just isn’t enough.

Users are unaware of how much weight their choice of words carries into finding your website, but it is important. This is why you need to research what keywords are commonly searched for insurance companies to draw more traffic to your site.

How will SEO writing benefit my insurance brand?

The goal of SEO writing is to improve your rank and, as time passes, provide a consistently high rank compared to other sites. 

Your insurance company will benefit from SEO writing by:

  • Showcasing your brand. Once you incorporate SEO writing, your brand will be seen more as your insurance site will increase in its ranking among other sites. Your logo, motto and color scheme will become a part of a user’s memory, which will lead to a customer recognizing your brand.
  • Bringing in more business. SEO writing includes writing with keywords, but not keyword stuffing. When you use this guideline, readers will find what they’re looking for, understand what you offer and be able to easily find how to contact you. In addition to your website, having social media accounts brings in more business easily since customers are using social media daily. 
  • Establishing your business online. As time progresses, and your rank continues to stay high in search, your company is always advertised for potential customers. Even if they aren’t looking for your specific company, their eyes will glance over your name every time creating a mental image.
  • Competing with the competition. Other insurance companies will have websites, but your site will follow SEO writing, so you can rank above your competitors. Plus, you can see what your competition is ranking for and decide if that is something you also offer and want to include on your site. 

What is SEO writing?

You want your website to rank high on search engines. This involves optimizing your website to be user-friendly and having SEO-content-focused tactics. When incorporating SEO writing on your website, this means including keywords and content that is understandable for everyone and relatable to the company’s purpose. 

An insurance company would break down what auto, life and/or home insurance packages they offer because those are highly searched types of insurances. There should be dedicated pages to types of insurances each page should have detailed information about prices, what your insurance company covers, and how to contact you to get started.

Keywords are dire to a website’s success because it is what customers use in a search. Search engines will showcase websites with the keywords searched, and if your website features commonly searched keywords in an organized order, your website could be the first one the customer clicks on. 

What should I avoid with SEO writing?

SEO writing is a tool to use as you’re creating content for your website, but a huge mistake involved in SEO writing is keyword stuffing. When you overly use a keyword, your content will become unclear and disorganized. This will prevent users from continuing to read through your site, and this will decrease your ranking with search engines.

No one wants to read through content that is explaining the same thing over and over again. Use keywords and be specific to drive your point of the webpage.

Also, if you keyword stuff, search engines will not recognize your site as a valid source of information. They will recognize this rookie mistake. Instead of being ranked at the top of the search page, your ranking may fall to the end of the search results. 

How do I know what keywords to use on my insurance website?

To find more keywords in addition to the types of insurances, use keyword tools to find phrases you may not have thought of originally. These tools will provide you with a list of keywords based on the general phrase you provide it with, such as “auto insurance.” 

Not only will the list give you more ideas on what to include on your insurance site, but it will also show the number of how many people have searched for it and what the competition is for each keyword listed. 

Finding keywords that directly relate to insurance are obvious choices, but if you are hesitant about using a specific keyword because of how high the competition is, it’s probably for good reason. 

It could be difficult to rank for since so many other insurance companies are including it on their site. The keyword tool should be able to provide you with other keywords or variations that would be better suited for your type of insurance work.

Where do I use keywords on my website?

It’s important to accumulate your keywords so you can incorporate it where it counts instead of at the bottom of the page. Keywords can be found in the title of pages on your site, in the text on each webpage, on each photo, and more. When each item listed below includes a keyword, it improves your ranking in search. 

Where to include keywords on your website:

  • Titles/Subheadings.
  • Text.
  • Meta descriptions.
  • Tag photos.

If you want to establish your insurance brand, it starts by creating the content, then making it known to the public. Your rank in search is what will affect your brand awareness, so if you use keyword phrases customers are looking for, write your content in an organized, mistake-free layout, you should see tangible results. Incorporate these SEO writing practices into your site, and we’re sure you’ll be reaping the benefits.

Author Bio

Haley Brase is a writer for She lives in Iowa with her boyfriend and loves to work with flowers when she can.

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