8 Real Estate Video Marketing Tips that Actually Work

Earlier video production was considered as the most expensive way of advertisement and was meant to target the elite population. However, with the advancement of technology, smartphones are now more like a necessity than a luxury. Video production and its dispersion is not only easy but cheap too.

Here are 8 beneficial real estate video marketing pointers that will surely lead to substantial growth.

Productive planning

Starting from the right structure is very essential with real estate video marketing. 

The more you plan the more you gain. Always be sure to:

  • Avoid being abrupt in delivering the strategy or else the results won’t be favourable to yield results. 
  • Real estate marketing professionals tend to forget quality and prefer quantity. The tape needs to create an impact and the idea behind the property should be clear and precise.
  • Specify the video that you need to create in accordance with the level of the campaign.
  • Be clear on which video needs to feature first and which one will go next, depending on your projects.
  • Always be sure of the platforms that will help in dispersing the video.

A proper strategy plays an important role in real estate video marketing. Make sure to go for in-depth research and analyze the market before making a promotional video.


‘Facts tell stories sell’, a very famous proverb that exhibits the power of storytelling. People buy properties not just for living but also if there is an emotional attachment to it.

Storytelling needs to be engaging and realistic, otherwise the essence vanishes. Emotions grab more attention than points.

While using the storytelling formulae for real estate video marketing, one should always:

  • Look at the story as per the client’s perspective and not as an advertisement creator.
  • Try to connect to the audience on a personal level and avoid establishing commercialism through the video.
  • Apart from real estate SEO, endorse the video through social media using Instagram and Facebook pages.

Make sure to spend a considerable amount of time to choose your way and content of storytelling.

Building a deep connection

A video helps to convey a vision more efficiently than images. Buying a property is a dream for many people. Try to convey that you are not selling their dreams but helping them build one.

Keep these in mind to build deep connection through your video:

  • Showcase the benefits more than the attributes of your property
  • Choose the words wisely so that it helps the audience get the essence
  • Keep transparency while creating a video
  • Justify the point you want to make through the video. Do not try to drag it unnecessarily

School consultation

According to a survey, 91% of people buy properties near schools or institutes. Institutes play a vital role while getting a property. So it is very important to showcase this fact in your video. Try to look out for the surroundings and plot them in your video.

Queries of the buyer

Always create a video for real estate marketing that provides knowledge of the property you are endorsing. Give every minute details in the video. Property is all about flawless architecture. Try to answer all architecture-related questions and make your point clear while keeping it precise.

Community Events

Community events grab more attention than anything else. Give some community inputs on your video. Show the culture and diversity of the location as this attracts a crowd. It will grab the attention of locals as well as others.

Using 360 videos

Showing properties one-by-one consumes a lot of time and delays productivity. A full proof solution to this crisis is to film 360 videos. A 360 video delivers far better quality than a regular 2D video. It helps the prospective buyers get a clear view of the property and make a well-informed decision and helps in clarifying most of their doubts.

Using Templates

When you use templates for your real estate marketing videos, you add to your brand’s uniqueness. When video marketing is your strategy, it is always beneficial to make your videos characteristically distinguishable. Online video editors like InVideo offers 5000+ handcrafted templates that you can use to give your marketing videos a unique touch.

Keep Your Videos Short and Precise

Short videos work well with real estate video marketing. It will create more impact if it’s less time-consuming. Try to make the video precise and informative at the same time.

According to research, only 37% of people watch the online video till the end. So, keeping it short is quite important.

Last lines

Real estate video marketing yields higher results if done with precision than conventional marketing strategy. According to research, 70% of the people remember things that are conveyed to them through a video or a medium that have pictures and sound at the same time. 400% more inquiries are noted while endorsing real estate by video marketing.

Author Bio

Janet Biggs a content specialist is a Graduate in English Literature. When it comes to creating content strategies and content creation is the best in the industry. Being an avid reader she likes to binge through a variety of books and has a flare for making boring content interesting. You can get in touch with twitter or facebook in account.

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