Instagram Marketing: What Is It And Tips For It

Since the launch of the most popular social media platform Instagram, people have gone crazy about sharing photos, videos, etc. It brought a huge change in the way people use the internet and social media.

In these recent times, Instagram marketing is a big trend in industries. It is on its way to being added as an essential tactic in most online businesses’ marketing plans. Different Instagram Marketing tools can help you with different efforts to make your brand image more effective.

According to HubSpot’s report, Instagram got a billion monthly user base. With that much popularity, it gained the attention of different sectors. There are a lot of people influencing the public through Instagram. You can also create an influencer brand image here to gain some consumer juice.

If you’re also an Instagram user, you already know what we’re talking about here. Many companies’ executives are taking advantage of this platform’s popularity in their profits. People generally get a good idea about a brand’s existence and what it’s offering.

By the term Instagram Marketing, we can say marketing through Instagram. Instagram Marketing is the trend that marketers accepting nowadays to reach their targeted audience. It helps in the marketing of the product you’re offering to the public.

Top 5 Tips For Instagram Marketing

Tip #1. Create A Business Profile

Before doing any kind of effort in Instagram marketing, first of all, make a business account. If you already have an account for your brand, then make sure it is a business account.

With a professional business account, you can add a contact button. Visitors of your page can contact you directly from your profile like a website.

You will get access to the analytics section known as insights. It provides information about the reach and impressions of your posts. It helps in understanding what is trending topic of your page and how it is performing.


Tip #2. Make A Brand Hashtag

Hashtags are an essential part of Instagram for marketing and we all know that. Interactive and engaging hashtags always helps in creating healthy engagement. You can also make your custom hashtag related to your company or brand.

For example, Warner Bros. used #mkkollective to do Instagram marketing their game Mortal Kombat 11. People showed their interest in this online hashtag campaign and made many arts related to the game.

People can use your unique hashtag in their posts to provide some information or content related to your brand. With the increasing number of posts with your hashtag, you’ll get more free exposure to the normal people.

Tip #3. Collect Brand Related User-Posted Content

You should appreciate the opinions and views posted by your customers in any way. You can collect the content posted by users on it and use it for your benefit in your Instagram marketing strategies.

Its results will be positive for both parties involved. You will get free advertising content to show to the audience, as well as, the people who created that content will also feel to be acknowledged. They will see that the brand also respects the concerns of the people.

To present your content, you can use different methods to do so. One of the most popular is to make an Instagram wall or feed of the posts about your brand and then showcase it on display screens or embed it on your webpage.

It can be understood with help of example we discussed in the previous point.

Tip #4. Sponsored Ads

Instagram provided so many features for people to advertise what they want. You can present your offers to the vast volume of audience. No matter how many sponsored ads you want to showcase.

Sometime before, only the users who follow you can see your posts on their home feed. But now, you can run ads to the relatable audience so that they will see your post in their feed.

You can choose either to turn an existing post into the ad or you can add a website link. Plenty of more good options are there which are the reasons to use Instagram Ads.

This is a very influential tip in the process of Instagram Marketing.

Tip #5. Look Upon The Metrics

If you want to improve the traffic and reach, first you need to know the existing performance of the page.

When you get to know the exact growth rate of the page, you can then make your efforts on improving it more effectively.

There are plenty of third-party tools you can have. They can assist you in understanding your page’s stats as well as your competitors’.


Instagram Marketing is going to be a big trend among social media platforms in the upcoming years. So, you need to take some out of it to gain some exposure.

You should post the kind of content you’re observing which is gaining some popularity.

It is not easy to know that but you can do that by heading to the metrics of your page, i.e., Insights.

Moreover, you should schedule the time to post the content on your page. That will ensure systematic and regular engagement on your page.

In the end, be aware of the latest marketing strategies for Instagram to make your image more worthy.

Author’ Bio

George Jensen is a digital marketer and technical writer. He is passionate about exploring and writing about innovation, technology, and digital marketing trends. Learn all about Digital Marketing, its significance, and how it can help you to grow your e-commerce business.

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