Top Tools Which Can Help You to Boost the Traffic of Your Website

SEO specialists and digital marketers have that constant struggle of trying to increase the traffic to their websites. Sometimes it takes months, and years of consistent hard work to create a lucrative position where you have a lot of valuable traffic on your website. 

Gaining traffic online is important for your company to make more profit and become successful, so, it’s important that your website has an online visibility and you are able to somehow drive traffic there. 

To drive more traffic to your site, you must, first, maximize the traffic you already have and continue to build up your brand. While there are many free tips that you can use to boost your website traffic, there are also certain tools that can help you with it, and that’s what we are here to discuss. 

Below are seven of my favourite tools to help you boost the traffic on your website. 

2 Google Search Console

This very popular tool is also referred to as “the mother of all SEO tools.” Google search console gives you an incredibly valuable amount of data and information about your website performance and the traffic you have directly from Google. Example of data that Google search console gives you are:

  • The keywords that you rank for and the positions that you’re at exactly.
  • Sites that link to your own and the number of times they have done so. 
  • How spread out your internal links are.
  • What is the architecture of your site? 
  • It also tells you how to fix your duplicate metadata if you have any.

It also offers you the opportunity to ask Google to index your new page immediately, even if it is just slight modifications that you made. This is called, “Fetch as Google.”

Keyworddit – Reddit Keyword Research Tool

This tool helps your keyword research and this invariably increases the traffic on your website. This tool extracts high in-demand from the internet front page for you. Also, this tool is however not very popular, as many marketers are tooth and nail into Google Keyword Planner that it seem like they don’t know of its existence. That, in itself is a bonus for you. 

To research keywords on keyworddit, here are few steps that you should follow.

  • Visit the website
  • Input the sub-reddit address you want the keyword extracted from. For example, if your website is based on coffee, you’ll input The search result will be a number of keywords and their monthly search volume. 
  • Extract the keyword that you desire and use it for your website to increase your traffic. 

3 Keywords Everywhere

This tool is an extension of Google Chrome that pulls keyword data from Google Keyword Planner. It then overlays the keywords in the search engine result pages. It helps to save time as you do not have to go through the stress of checking and scrutinizing the traffic potential for all the number of keywords that you have an interest in. 

This is a very useful tool. You don’t have to check plenty keywords and you can easily prioritize. The biggest flaw of this tool, however, is that it takes its data from Google Keyword Planner. And they prefer to hide the real numbers than give accurate traffic estimates. 

4 SERProbot – check your ranking

This is a quite interesting tool that helps you to know where you rank on the search engine results page. Generally, its good for you to know how you’re doing, and have an idea of how your ranking is, whether you are rising in the search engine result page or you’re falling. That’s usually the best way to know if the SEO strategy you’re using is working or not. 

To use this tool, here are the steps:

  • Go to htpps://
  • Write your domain name. Don’t add HTTP or https to it.
  • Write about 5 keywords you want to search for and click on “check now.”

SERProbot will then scan through Google’s first 10 pages to see if you’re there. Most other trackers only check the first 3 pages, this tool checks 10 pages!

5 GTMetrix

An important factor for google ranking is the website speed. Over time, as a user get used to faster websites, Google’s tolerance will reduce. You must ensure that Google doesn’t drop you. 

This tool is a free tool that allows you to check your homepage and also the individual pages on your site. This awesome tool, after checking your page, gives you a number of things that are slowing your website down in their order of importance, and what the solutions are to the problem. 

To use this tool, here are the steps;

  • Paste the URL of the page you wish to check on the testing page. 
  • Note the factors the tool reports are slowing your page, then start fixing them. Start from the biggest one to the little ones. 

6 Portent SERP Preview

This tool simply shows you how google will be displaying your site on the search engine result pages. You must ensure that your URLs and Meta titles are neat, and tidy for CTR’s sake. It does not matter if you are new at it or not. This is an important tool that gives you an idea where your website will rank for particular content, and it’s absolutely free.

7 Free backlink checker

This is another free SEO tool. A backlink tool is definitely something that you need if you really are serious about increasing the traffic on your website. The only problem with many of these backlink tools is the fact that they’re way too expensive, especially for bloggers that are just starting out without any funds. But with this free backlink tool, the problem is solved.

The only problem with this is, the tool is free, and that means that it’s limited. It will only show you a link per domain. But that should be fair enough. 


If you are just starting out as a blogger, it might be a very arduous task to try get some traffic on your website. But SEO tools are really not hard to come by. There are a lot of them that are made to help you boost the traffic on your site and increase your income. If you use them properly, and maybe try to combine them together, you’ll definitely reap the benefits better. With these top 7 tools, you can be sure that you have the best free tools to help you make some money online.  

Author’s Bio

John Trogdon is a digital marketer and a blogger known for his immense ability to provide personal statement writing service. He has an interest in self-development, communication and social media, and he’s always writing and talking about them. You can contact him on LinkedIn and Facebook

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