The Top 5 Best Practices For Corporate Video Production

Choosing the right way to send the message to your viewers or employees can be hard nowadays. As the burden of the modern age gets heavier, people’s attention span is getting shorter. But what may or may not surprise you is the fact that every day, people watch over five billion videos only on YouTube. 

That being said, consider investing in corporate video production for your business. If you want to have a fully effective video, it’s essential to convey a clear message to your audience.  On the other hand, producing such content isn’t an ad, so try not to turn it into one. To help you get started, follow these tips for corporate video production.

As a marketer or salesperson, it’s important that you always have your target audience in mind. Doing so allows you to maximize your marketing impact and improve your sales figures. Thankfully, finding your ideal customers can be a relatively straightforward task. Take a look at everything you need to know about identifying your target audience in this guide by Zopto.

When you feel not to work yourself, you can always hire a professional video maker right? Do not worry, Sound Images provide the best corporate videos. Do take a look at their video production services.

1. Define the Goal

Every video should have its purpose. Is it made to draw traffic to your web page, raise brand awareness or something else? Putting all that aside, your main purpose is to have success.  In the modern age, simply making a video isn’t enough. Different messages require different videos. Whether you want to raise brand awareness or present a story of a successful customer, start with ground zero.

For example, if your company is hiring and you decide to make a recruitment video, it’s essential to present open positions clearly and give your viewers an insight into the atmosphere in your firm. Other things, such as presenting your employees in the best light or the way they dress is less important and secondary. 

2. Target Audience

Being able to understand your audience is a very useful skill in the marketing field. Besides researching about their demographics and background, you need to be able to resolve what attracts your viewers, what are they thinking about while watching your video, and what will motivate them to make a decision. So, as you can see, picking the target audience carefully will surely benefit your business. It’s not about making the best video, it’s about offering the best solution to your audience. 

Regarding the previous example of a recruitment video, keep in mind who your target audience is. You’re looking to hire a professional in a field. Their ages usually vary from younger adult to middle-aged person, so a video featuring teens or the elderly isn’t a good option. Always think through your viewer’s mind.  

3. Sales funnel

To understand the profile of your audience, take a walk in the mall. What you’ll see there are serious shoppers who buy quality products, window shoppers who are trying to find something to do, and casual passersby who are in search of snacks. The same can be applied to internet searching. Some people will visit your web page because they are bored, while others are looking for high-quality content. That’s the time your video steps in, but it has to coincide with what are the viewers looking for. 

4. Creating interesting content

Publishing any video can be dreadful for your company. Think about how boring it was to watch a commercial that only talks about how amazing their company is and how great their products or services are. Not only does it bore the audience, but it also has no value to your viewer. 

You should avoid these types of videos. Make a plan and create a video that will interest and educate your audience. If you want your video to be highly professional hire a corporate video production company. They will turn your idea into a masterpiece your audience will eat up. 

5.  Trends you should follow

Having an adequate video layout is a must. But here comes the dilemma: “Should I use landscape or portrait video layout?” Dealing with this issue isn’t easy. Turning our phones to landscape mode comes sort of naturally to us while we’re filming a video. But, we must not forget that most people watch online videos on their phones. Which means, they usually use portrait mode. So don’t forget who your target audience is and where will your video be shown. 

There is one more layout people usually overlook. Square videos. This format is great for most platforms and social media like Instagram. Even though this may be the best video layout nowadays, don’t expect it to be on the throne forever. 

Since we’ve mentioned social media, here are some tips you should follow if you consider making a video for social media. Keep in mind that most people watch videos without the sound, so ensure you add text overlays or caption to make your video as enjoyable and understandable as possible. In addition to that, interesting thumbnails are a must-have. What will attract your viewers’ attention more than an interesting thumbnail?


As you can see, there are many different things you need to take care of while making a video. By combining professional production and interesting content, you will create a video that will serve you for quite some time. Even though trends change, quality content usually doesn’t lose its value. 

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