How to Create Quality Infographics That Will Help Your Website Rank Well

How to Create Quality Infographics That Will Help Your Website Rank Well

One of the best ways to get quality backlinks is to produce content that will be shared multiple times, but that’s easier said than done. One of the most effective ways of achieving this is to create good quality infographics.

Infographics are relatively affordable and easy to create, and they’re highly shareable in blog posts and on social media — making them ideal for startup SEO.

Here we take a brief look at how to create killer infographics that will give your website an SEO boost.

Understand Your Audience

Before creating an infographic that resonates with your audience, you will first need to understand your target. Knowing what your audience wants involves research, and one of the best ways to perform this research is to spy on your competitors.

Check out some of the infographics your competitors have created and note their aesthetic style and the type of language they used. Also pay attention to how their followers are interacting with their infographic on social media.

Design Your Infographic

The first step of the design stage is to create an outline to help you build the infographic’s structure, narrative, and general flow.

Once you have an outline, you will need to create a wireframe that works as the blueprint of your infographic. This wireframe will help you put together the different components of the infographic in a way that’s aesthetically pleasing and easy to follow.

With your wireframe ready, it’s time to move on to creating the infographic itself.

Use your wireframe and the research you’ve performed to guide you. Ensure your fonts are easy to read and choose your color scheme carefully. Implement your official brand colors and colors that complement them well.

Get Publishing

The final step is to start publishing your infographic. Posting it on all your social media accounts allows it to be delivered directly to your audience, quickly. If you’ve played your cards right, it won’t be long before your infographic starts being shared, which will earn plenty of good quality backlinks for your website.

What better way to further explain how to create an infographic than with an infographic? Check out the infographic for a closer look at how to develop a valuable asset for your brand.