Here’s What Excellent Trust Signals Look Like Today

Here’s What Excellent Trust Signals Look Like Today

Trust signals are those little things that tell a consumer they can spend money with you and not worry about being scammed. Traditionally, they included memberships to specific trade organizations and reviews. While some of the trust signals of yesterday remain, new ones are becoming more important, such as social media

According to the Small Business Administration, there are approximately 32.5 million small businesses in the United States alone. The world is a global economy, though, so your competition is actually much broader than you might think. 

People who first hear of your brand have no reason to trust you. After all, at least one or two businesses probably scammed them along the way. They may look for various trust signals to be assured your company is legitimate. 

To determine what people care most about when deciding whether to complete the purchase, we looked at various potential trust signals and compared them to what seems to create the highest conversion rates. This list does not include every trust signal there is, but you’ll find some of the most crucial ones to help drive brand awareness and a positive image. 

1. Contact Information

Having your contact information in an easy-to-locate area is still one of the top things you can do to evoke trust. After all, people want to know they can reach you if they have a problem. You also should provide multiple avenues for customers to get in touch, such as email, a toll-free phone number, and a contact form or live chat. 


Modere utilizes contact information at the bottom of its page, showing various ways current and potential customers can get in touch. It shares a phone number, SMS notification, email and live chat button. Someone on the fence about making a purchase can reach out for help. 

2. Professional Design

You might not immediately think of your overall design as a trust signal. However, a poorly designed website can make people think you aren’t professional or serious about your company. Most visitors glance at your pages and make an assessment in 10 seconds or less.

Stick to solid, traditional design advice. For example, keep your page uncluttered, use colors with good contrast, and choose relevant and professional-quality images. Spend time working on typography to ensure it’s readable on all screen sizes. 

3. Client Testimonials

People care what others think about your brand. You can tell them how great you are, but why should they believe you when you want their money? However, they are much more likely to trust the advice of their peers.

In addition to reviews, you can reach out to long-time customers and avid fans and see if they’ll share a testimonial for your landing page. 


Take-Off Professionals features several client testimonials on its landing page. Note how the comments showcase various things the business excels in. One talks about how easy the process was, and another discusses how the company saved them money. 

4. Updated Info

Experts estimate at least 30% of online data becomes outdated each year, but this number may actually be as high as 70%. Update your website frequently to ensure you always have the latest industry standards and include any changes in your policy or operations. 

Ensuring your site is consistent with any messages on social media or via press releases eliminates inconsistencies and shows users you care about sharing the most accurate information. They’re much more likely to trust you when you’re upfront about everything.

5. News About You

Having a news section on your site shows people you’re active and trying different things. It allows you to show how you’re involved in your community, showcase any innovations and give a glimpse of your company culture. 

The more people feel they know you and your management style, the more likely they are to trust you to stick to your principles. 


Out Here Music shares its latest news and accolades on the “News and More” page. Note how it includes something seasonal as well as prizes won and information about upcoming events. 

6. Social Shares

Is it really possible in 2022 to have a well-trusted website without having a social media presence? The more involved you are on these platforms, the more traffic you potentially bring to your site. Ideally, the two work together to create trust signals that reassure consumers you’re worth taking a chance on.

Add social share buttons to your site so people will share your content. However, you should also list how many people like your page on popular platforms to encourage readers to follow you there as well. The more followers you have, the more potential credibility you earn. A bonus is more exposure as your followers share your posts or send others to your website. 

How Do You Increase Trust on a Website?

Take a step back from your page and consider if anything is unclear. If you were a customer visiting the website for the first time, what would you want to see? Get feedback from your current clients and have a professional UX designer chime in with their opinion. The more information you have, the better you can show your visitors you’re worthy of their business, and they can expect you to provide excellent customer service.