Digital Marketing Solutions to Supercharge Your Solar Business

The world is quickly learning to adopt alternative energy production solutions to combat the effects of climate change. While certain approaches such as wind energy and geothermal research have gained a certain amount of attention, it is a well-known fact that solar power is currently the most promising industry on the market. From photovoltaic cells to solar-powered vehicles and innovative ways to heat homes, the sector has experienced profound success. In fact, this marketplace has enjoyed an annual growth rate of 49 per cent over the past ten years (1). This is why businesses need to leverage the most relevant marketing solutions in order to adapt to such a fluid environment. Let us therefore examine four powerful strategies to employ as well as the advantages attributed to each.

Develop a Concise and Attractive Website

A picture speaks 1,000 words within the digital community. We are naturally referring to first impressions in this sense. A website is arguably the best way to generate interest, to encourage contact and to establish a solid customer base. This is why a great deal of thought needs to go into its design.

We need to recall that many consumers are still relatively unfamiliar with the benefits associated with solar power. As opposed to presenting them with a muddled and confusing picture, sites should offer a clean and transparent interface. Here are a handful of recommendations to embrace during development:

  • Include an “about us” section that defines the company, its employees and your ultimate goals.
  • Fully explain the products and services that you have to offer.
  • Ensure that the site is easy to navigate through the use of toolbars and clickable links.
  • Embed a page solely devoted to addressing frequently asked questions.
  • When relevant, include media such as images, infographics and videos.

Also, be sure to address search engine optimisation (SEO) concerns. These include choosing the right keywords, developing engaging content and embedding links to authoritative third-party portals (such as governmental agencies and new-related sites).

As a solar business owner, you may wonder what you need to do to get more solar leads. Well, the answer is quite simple. You need to build your brand and get your company name out there. This could be done through social media marketing or even word of mouth. A business website is a prerequisite for this, as it gives people a channel to learn more about your company. It’s also important that your website has a blog where you can post content that is related to solar power and the solar industry. You should also consider creating an e-newsletter that you can send out regularly with solar energy-related tips, topics, and exclusive offers and discounts.

Provide Valuable, Informative and User-Friendly Information

Your ultimate goal is to connect with the average customer (whether referring to B2B or B2C sales). This is when information will come in quite handy. As mentioned in the last section, not everyone is aware of why solar power is becoming such a popular solution. This is why explanations are essential. For instance, provide real-world examples of how your solutions have already been utilised. Discuss why this method of energy production can offer cost savings to the user. Talk about where the sector is headed in the future. List the pros and cons of such an approach in order to exhibit a sense of objective transparency. After all, informed visitors will be much more likely to convert into customers.

Engage with Your Audience

Static information is no longer sufficient in this day and age. Make it a point to generate quality leads through targeted market research. As opposed to catering to a massive potential audience, it is much better to engage with a niche market so that levels of communication can be enhanced. Here are a handful of approaches which can help your firm discover the most lucrative demographic:

  • Smart advertising campaigns.
  • Automated emails.
  • Updating those who have previously requested information.
  • Providing short online surveys to obtain basic customer details (an excellent way to pre-qualify a lead).

The power of social media is also critical to highlight. Portals such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are excellent ways to target a more tech-savvy audience. These happen to represent the very same individuals who tend to be more interested in what solar energy solutions have to offer. Such channels are also ideal in terms of “social proof”; a means by which you can generate trust through word of mouth. Finally, social media outlets will enable you to keep up to date with the needs of your customers. 

Proactively Analyse Your Ongoing Marketing Goals

The solar power industry is continuing to advance and it therefore stands to reason that your marketing approaches should be able to adapt accordingly. Certain strategies will naturally need to be updated from time to time while others might no longer be relevant. Make it a point to analyse important metrics such as the number of inbound hits, your conversions, clickthrough rates, and which advertisements seem to be generating the most interest. You will thereafter be provided with a much clearer picture of how your enterprise is performing. Let us also remember that it is much easier to make small marketing changes as opposed to developing an entirely new approach. Tools such as Google Analytics will offer the necessary levels of insight and clarity.

Final Thoughts

Solar power represents an innovative and effective solution to tackle our global energy needs, so it only makes sense that marketing approaches need to embrace this very same sense of forward momentum.

Author Bio: This article was written by John Keohane of JKS Electrical. JKS have utilized digital marketing to become a market leader in the Irish solar industry.

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