Creating Compelling and Engaging Social Media Posts: the definitive guide [Infographic]

With 1 million new users joining social media every day- on top of the already impressive 2.56 billion existing mobile social media users globally, it is becoming more vital than ever for businesses to maintain a robust social media presence.

More important to note, is the fact that social media has a direct impact on consumers’ purchase behaviour. Facebook alone drove 52% of consumer’s online and offline purchases in 2015. This in itself is telling of how integral a sound social media strategy is to a brand’ success.

Consequently, the social media marketing scene is getting more competitive with every passing year with 50 million small business turning to Facebook to connect with their customers. Considering that, haphazardly putting together a mediocre post will no longer be enough to drive engagement, much less conversion, brand loyalty or could be used for lead generation.

When you’re channelling marketing budget to a social media campaign, you want to make sure that no word and dollar is wasted and that every social post delivers. Let the infographic below guide you in creating compelling social media posts that will engage leads and customers alike.


If you want to use this infographic on your own blog here is the link: