7 Creative Content Ideas You’ll Want To Steal For Your Ecommerce Website

E-commerce companies all over the world use various marketing ploys to engage their customers and bolster overall sales. Content marketing is a powerful tool that businesses use to engage with their customers and build a long-lasting relationship. 

The quality and type of content you publish on the website can either make or break your business. Even search engine companies like Google give a great deal of weight to the content of the website while giving SEO rankings. 

A great content marketing strategy can transform your business’s profits by increasing brand awareness among the customers and generating more leads. Digital marketers focus on content as they know how big a role it plays in determining the overall success of the ecommerce website. 

While, generic content ideas are used by all the ecommerce businesses, there are few ideas that have proven to be highly effective in driving web traffic and converting visitors into customers. 

Here is a list of a few creative content ideas that you can steal from popular e-commerce websites like ASOS and Best Buy and use them to offer a better shopping experience to your customers. 

  1. Infographics 

Take a leaf out of the book of most successful e-commerce businesses around the globe and put up infographics on your website to not just attract customers but also increase the overall conversion rate. 

As per the market reports, infographics can help skyrocket the sales of the business. Visual content like pictures and GIFs have a long-lasting impact on a customer’s mind and taking advantage of this fact can help drive traffic to your website and bolster the overall sales of the products. 

Whether you’re running a content marketing campaign or compiling newsletters for the upcoming sale season, make use of creative and fun infographics to convey the message to the customer in an interesting and attractive manner. 

From a simple invitation to the upcoming sales to the DIY blog posts, the graphic visual representation can instantly capture the customer’s attention and interest. 

  1. Product Videos

There is no denying the fact that videos capture user interest unlike any other form of content. As per the reports, product videos are powerful marketing ploys that help sell products and convert visitors into customers. 

A majority of customers nowadays skip the product description and details mentioned on the page and jump to the video to get a glimpse of the design, size, and make of the product. 

Create short product videos that clearly displays the important factors like size, color, shape, and design of the product. Most customers will instantly make their buying decision after viewing the product video. This strategy also helps customers save time and increases brand loyalty among them.  

  1. Newsletters

Giving the option of subscribing to your store’s newsletter is another creative idea that e-commerce businesses use to boost brand exposure and generate new leads. With newsletters, you can keep your customers updated about the ongoing or upcoming discounts and offers, new product launch, etc. Moreover, by sending personalized newsletters, you can build a relationship with the customers and make them feel valued. 

Ask the ecommerce web development company to integrate the newsletter subscription option on the website. This solid strategy allows businesses to stay connected with their customer base. Pick an appealing subject line and ensure that the email contains engaging content. This is a sure-fire way to generate more leads and bolster your sales. 

  1. DIY Blog Posts 

Instead of just being an online store that sells products and services, try adding DIY blog posts to the website to encourage customers to engage more with the business. As per the reports, customers tend to spend more time on websites that feature DIY blog posts relevant to the products and services sold. For instance, if you have an e-commerce store that sells food items, then publishing recipe blog posts is a great way to engage customers. 

Furthermore, by publishing content that enhances customer experience, you can effectively reduce page bounces. Instead of lengthy posts, publish short posts that feature engaging content with video tutorials. Posting creative blog posts would further the overall user experience and help you build a loyal customer base for your business. 

  1. Buying Guides 

Another creative idea you can steal from successful e-commerce websites like Best Buy is posting buying guides. Given the abundance of products available under any category, the task of picking the right one can prove to be quite overwhelming for any buyer. This is where buying guides can prove to be powerful in helping customers make an informed choice. 

E-commerce stores post buying guides about a plethora of products ranging from electronics to fashion accessories. Publish buying guides for smartphones, laptops, home appliances, etc., to engage your customers and help them with the buying process. You can publish video tutorials or articles and add call to action option on the page to spur sales. 

  1. User-Generated Content 

Displaying user-generated content on the site is another creative way to build trust and credibility among the target audience. Additionally, search engine giants are known to give higher SEO rankings to websites that display user-generated content. 

Share content like videos and photos shared by users on the site to enhance customer engagement. It is an effective strategy to increase the outreach of your business and create a platform where customers feel encouraged and appreciated. 

Reports have found that customers trust other customers and take their opinions into consideration before making a buying decision. Moreover, in today’s highly competitive world of e-commerce, using user-generated content is an excellent way to attract customers and also inspire loyalty among them. Make this your business’s go-to marketing strategy to build a long-lasting relationship with your customers and help your business thrive in the modern e-commerce world. 

  1. Influencers 

The combination of influencer marketing and content marketing has proved to be a highly effective strategy for ecommerce businesses. Many ecommerce companies like ASOS use influencers to build a loyal customer base for their business. 

Influencers are individuals who have a loyal fan following and using influencers for promoting your brand can help drive traffic to your online store. Whether you have an online store dedicated to fashion items or electronics, posting content or pics of industry influencers on your e-commerce store can benefit your business in numerous ways. 

It can help build brand awareness and turn visitors into loyal customers. This strategy is a tried and tested way to generate trust among customers.

Nowadays, most customers prefer buying products and services from sites that have a collaboration with the popular influencers in the field. Also, this creative idea can help build a solid online presence for your e-commerce business. 

Use the aforementioned outside-the-box ideas to make online shopping a fun and interesting experience for the customers. By integrating these ideas into your content marketing strategy, you will be able to enhance brand awareness and loyalty among the customers and create a strong online presence for your business.

These ideas help you engage with potential customers and encourages sales. Moreover, these ideas can help your business stand out from the competitors and achieve success despite the fierce competition in the world of e-commerce.

Author Bio

Anil Panghal has worked in the IT sector for over six years. he is a professional online writer.  And an expert in writing about web development, digital marketing, mobile app solution, and cloud solution topics

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