Trends Shaping The Future Of Local SEO In 2023

Trends Shaping The Future Of Local SEO In 2023

As time moves on, search engine optimization (SEO) continues to evolve. Today, it’s not enough for local businesses to simply have an online presence; they also have to strengthen it with the best possible SEO tactics in order to reach success. In 2023, local search is shaping up to become more focused on users, prioritizing customer experiences above all else. With that in mind, here are some of the most important trends dictating the future of local SEO that you might want to consider implementing in 2023 and the following years:

User Experience Is Key

Since Google announced that user experience (UX) signals will be factored into rankings, this might be a great method for improving your local SEO results in the years to come. Simple yet effective website design, fast loading speeds, and ease of navigation will all be important. Factors such as desktop and mobile experience might influence a site’s ranking on results pages as well. To make this process simpler, Google’s Search Console can be quite a valuable tool. With its Core Web Vitals feature, this tool can help websites determine how well their UX is judged by Google and provide any areas of improvement.

All SEO Is Mobile SEO

It’s no secret that a significant percentage of today’s searches are performed using mobile devices. Optimizing your website for mobile is an absolute must, helping to deliver better user experiences. This seems even more crucial once you consider the fact that Google is now indexing websites using mobile-first indexing. In other words, Google will review websites according to their mobile design first, rather than desktop design. Again, easy-to-navigate sites that load quickly will likely have the advantage here as well. Leverage this fact when optimizing your site for mobile and SEO in 2023.

Voice Search Still Matters

When talking to their mobile devices and smart speakers, users tend to phrase their searches differently compared to traditional typed searches. These spoken searches are often longer, mostly in the form of questions and phrases instead of single words. If you want to optimize for local voice search, you need to have this natural spoken language in mind when creating content for your website. And if recent statistics are any indication, you do want to rank well for voice searches – around 75% of individuals who own smart devices will use them weekly when searching for local businesses.

The Issue Of Fewer Clicks

Although slightly discouraging, it’s important to be aware of the fact that users haven’t been clicking through to websites quite as often in the last few years. This is likely due to Featured Snippets and similar aspects of Google search results that give users all the information they need from the results page itself. To overcome this issue, creativity and professional help may be needed. For instance, Australian businesses often hire expert Melbourne SEO services to aid in improving click-through rates. Through content creation, backlink strategies, and other vital SEO factors, these experts can leverage innovation to deliver the best possible results.

Video Content Is Vital

Whether your goal is to increase the number of clicks or boost engagement on social media platforms, one thing is for certain – video content is key to optimal results. After all, audiences tend to enjoy video content the most. It’s interesting, compelling, and attractive, making products and services appear more real and tangible in a virtual environment. A significant percentage of consumers are citing videos as important parts of their purchasing decisions, with video content being drastically more likely to end up on search results pages as well. This means that video is vital for building trust and loyalty among your audience.

Search Intent Drives Results

Across the US, SEO professionals are focusing on search intent more than ever before, and for good reason. Terms such as “to buy” have increased in frequency by around 500% here in recent years. Google now tailors results to meet search intent as well, including purchasing, browsing, getting information, comparing products, and getting to a brand’s website. If you want your local business to rank, you have to meet user search intent. Incorporating a frequently asked questions (FAQ) page on your website that provides additional information and content written in natural language is a great option for targeting local searches.

Online Reputations Lead

Did you know that nearly all consumers will read online reviews? Google does. Due to this fact, online mentions of your brand can affect your search rankings as well. Context is important here. By linking to your reviews on platforms such as Facebook and Yelp from your website, you can make this important connection for Google. Swift and professional responses to testimonials will also be important for boosting engagement and demonstrating to Google that your business can easily communicate with customers and handle complaints. Google rewards brand engagement, so don’t overlook it in the years to come.

As the world changes, SEO trends tend to follow. Consider the tendencies mentioned above if you want to improve your local rankings and ensure continued success in 2023 and beyond.