Introduction to Social Media Marketing

Introduction to Social Media Marketing

Social media has become part of our lives. There are 3.5 billion active social media users in the world. In the business world, that is a number that should be taken seriously.

Since the pandemic started, we’ve spent even more time on social media, which is to be anticipated considering how much time we’ve spent indoors. Given these figures, it is evident that social media marketing became a much more important digital marketing strategy. 

But first what is social media marketing?

Social media marketing uses social media sites to promote your brand, bond with your customers, increase sales, and drive website traffic. Creating appealing content for your social media accounts, listening to and interacting with your followers, reviewing your results, and implementing social media advertisements are all part of social media marketing.

Social media marketing is generally beneficial to your business growth, but your strategy depends on the social network your target audience uses.

In the following let me show you the most essential social media channels for your business. The ideal social media sites for your business are probably not to be the same as the ones you use in your personal life.

Social media marketing platforms

With so many social media platforms to choose from, social media marketing can be a pretty broad term. Your social media marketing strategy must account for the fact that each social media platform operates differently and caters to different sorts of content and users. 

Facebook is known as one of the most popular platforms on the planet. It has 2.9 billion monthly active users and $86 billion in revenue. On average, millennials are the most active Facebook users. The platform is mainly for B2C companies, and it is excellent for advertising and raising brand awareness.

Instagram is a social media platform that is ideal for product-based businesses and influencers. Instagram has 1.2 billion monthly active users and $6.8 billion in revenue. The audience is mainly under 35 years old. It is a good advertising platform for B2C companies. Instagram offers many features and tools to assist you in creating a fun brand story on Instagram stories. Such as partnering with an influencer to target a certain group with your products, and communicating your company’s message.

Youtube, with its 2 billion monthly active users, is the first video-based social media platform. The platform appeals to people of all genders and ages. In 2021, YouTube had $5.6 billion in advertising revenue, just in the US region. YouTube has a various range of topics, such as beauty, gaming, education, home improvement, and so on. In addition to producing videos on a YouTube channel, businesses may pay to advertise on YouTube and use influencer marketing techniques. Influencers regularly publish sponsored videos in which they use or promote a certain brand, so this may be a great way to reach a specific demographic.

TikTok became the world’s fastest-growing social media network. It is favored mostly by Gen-Z consumers and can be used to gain followers through influencer marketing and, release short entertaining videos. In 2020, the platform became increasingly popular, reaching $1 billion in revenue. TikTok had 689 million monthly active users and 2 billion downloads in 2021.


Advantages of social media marketing

  • Increases conversions and lead generation.
    Using social media to promote and share your items is an easy approach to increase conversions, lead generation, and sales. You’re promoting your account to individuals who have decided to connect with you by following it.
  • Boosts your brand’s awareness.
    If you don’t have a presence on social media, you’re missing out on the opportunity to reach thousands of people. Increased engagement, such as likes, comments, shares, saves, and reposts on social media have been shown to increase brand awareness. It also assists with brand promotion by directing traffic to your website.
  • Take notes from your rivals.
    Social media is an excellent tool for keeping tabs on your rivals’ social media tactics, goods, campaigns, and interactions with their fans. You can use social media to see what is and isn’t working for your competitors, which can help you decide what should and shouldn’t be changed about your company’s approach.
  • Customer relationships should be maintained.
    By interacting and engaging with your social media followers, you’ll be able to build long-term connections with them. This may be done by connecting with them through your postings, replying to their questions and comments, and providing them with any support they may require. To assist you to establish trust and show them how much you respect their feedback and support, you might ask your followers questions about your goods, their opinions.
  • Makes your company more human.
    You can use social media to make your company a more active participant in your market. Your profile, posts, and interactions with other users all contribute to a persona that your audience can get to know, connect with, and trust.

Tips for creating a social media marketing plan

  • Decide on a social media marketing goal.
    The first step in achieving your social objectives, whether you want to increase your following or develop a more engaged community, is to write them down. Remember your goal should be S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound).
  • Learn as much as you can about your target market.
    Understanding who your target audience is and what they want to see on social media is crucial. As a result, you’ll be able to develop material that they’ll like, remark on, and share. It’s also required if you want to turn your social network fans into paying customers. Keep in mind that various platforms appeal to different audiences.
  • Create unique content for your visitors.
    With billions of individuals using social media throughout the world, at least some of your followers have likely seen content from your competition or other firms in your field. You must generate interesting content that stands out and encourages people to interact with your company.
  • Establish a posting schedule.
    One of the simplest methods to ensure your material is shared as planned is to use a social media management service. These tools can help you create captions, prepare photos and videos, and schedule postings in advance. They’ll also share your material regularly and maintain track of all interactions and engagement on your behalf. You can focus on other things while saving time by using social media management software.
  • Don’t post frequently or infrequently.
    You risk irritating your readers if you post too frequently. However, if you publish infrequently, you risk appearing unworthy of attention. You should find the ideal number of posts for your followers.
  • Keep track of your progress and, if necessary, make changes.
    Your social media plan is critical for your company, and you can’t expect to get it right the first time. As you begin to put your strategy into action and track your outcomes, you may discover that certain techniques don’t work as well as you thought, while others perform even better.

How to evaluate the results of your social media marketing?

Many of the most important components of social media marketing is making sure that your objectives are being met. You’ll have to keep records of your social media postings across all of your accounts. Examining and keeping track of your social media data might help you with this.

Social media metrics are information about the success of your posts and their impact on your audience and customers across various platforms. 

  • Engagement: The number of clicks, comments, likes, and replies to your social media postings indicates how popular they are.
  • Followers: This is the number of individuals who have clicked the “Follow” button on your profile and are receiving your content regularly in their feeds.
  • Reaches: The amount of individuals who have viewed any of the content associated with your page or profile is referred to as your reach.
  • Mentions: This indicator reveals how many times your profile has been cited in other people’s posts.
  • Shares: Followers can share your posts with their networks after seeing them on your profile.
  • Profile visits: The number of people who have viewed your social media page
  • Video views: The number of views you get on social media platforms with videos available.


A key component of any marketing strategy is social media marketing. Knowing how to build a social media marketing strategy has never been more crucial, especially with so many individuals on social media at any given time. So, if you want to reach a larger audience with a higher chance of conversions, a social media marketing campaign is one of the most effective ways to do so.

Image sources Freepik

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