ecommerce trends

Global marketing trends of e-Commerce platform to watch in 2020

We are living in an era where technology is improving at a very high pace. New trends are emerging every day. The latest trends and features are transforming the way people shop. 

As an e-Commerce business owner, It is crucial to keep your company on the right track with the latest and technologically advanced features. It can only be achieved if you are aware of the latest trends in the retail industry.

Do you wonder what are those emerging techniques of an eCommerce business that may help you take your business to a new level? eCommerce web development company can help you resolve all your doubts.

Let’s understand the revolutionary techniques that augment the overall shopping experience of your clients. It is vital to be at the forefront of new technologies to gain a business edge over your rivals. 

Let’s begin

Tips for Boosting Sales of Your E-Commerce Venture

Predictive Analytics and Artificial Intelligence

Predictive analytics is a highly engaging area of the eCommerce trend. It comprises of statistical techniques that help in generating accurate predictions about future scenarios.

It is such a powerful technique that it helps for efficient implementation of plans for the eCommerce website owners. 

Automation and customer behaviour analysis is such an intuitive way that it can help in boosting the ROI.

Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, learns about the client’s approach across various demographics using the customer’s data. 

AI technology helps efficient work execution. For instance, the dynamic personalization of emails. Automated emails are generated with AI predicting the subject and the content.

As 2020 is almost here, more and more enterprises are adopting this strategy and making the most of this intuitive feature. So don’t get left behind with this hottest feature and incorporate it into your business with a bigcommerce development company.

Artificial Intelligence Website with Voice Search Feature

How about user searching and getting products on the homepage of a website through the voice? Sounds exciting? 

Yes, it is possible! It is a very innovative and intriguing feature based on what user searches via keywords are also provided under the voice search option. This is all possible due to AI technology.

Here, the dynamic content plays a vital role. Instead of embedding an educated guess about the product and services, let the user take the pilot seat and search according to a personal intent based on voice search.

Dynamic website in 2020 seems possible with such features. What are you waiting for? Contact Shopify development company for all the features that you want to incorporate into your eCommerce website. 

Subscription-Based Business Models

Subscription-based models help garner youth to order the product and services and pay the bill at the end of the month cycle. Millennials are anticipating this idea, and this model has seen a vast response from any other campaign.

This idea is now has become a cross-disciplinary approach. From the movies and shows subscription services providers to now, eCommerce, everybody wants to embed it into their strategy.

Image courtesy – Hitwise

The graph shows the top subscription websites for April 2017.

These stats prove how subscription boosted revenue and repeat business at a defined interval.

For subscription companies, they should maintain a sense of value for their clients and variety for the subscription.

Social Selling

Social media handles play a vital role in maximizing the ROI for a brand. A social network is a powerful tool, once used systematically.

As the world is advancing towards a holistic approach in every domain, and the apps are not just limited to serve their core purpose. For instance, Facebook is giving an option to buy now option directly from the app; twitter is soon going to launch product pages, and so on.

Now the reasons and sources are endless to engage customers for a longer period. No matter wherever the client goes, effective marketing is always a winner.

In 2020, as an eCommerce brand, you should understand running Google ads will be insufficient to serve the purpose. Think out of the box and sell your business socially as well as the majority of youth is already surfing via these social handles.

Chatbots and Private Messaging

Business is only possible if people are going to engage with the brand. A company should understand where people spend most of their time. 

The paradigm shift is happening towards private messaging apps like WhatsApp, Snapchat, Facebook Messenger, etc. There is a massive engagement of users with these apps.

Now, businesses are using these apps, integrating chatbots to answer their queries, updates about any order, etc.

It is all possible due to AI simulating the real conversation. Businesses are getting the leverage of every possible way to comfort their customers. 

This technique is cost-effective and adds productivity with the help of automation. 

In 2020, machine learning and AI is going to be more advanced. So, integrate these features and see your business soaring high.

Ready to take your business with 2020 Trends?

As 2020 approaching fast, the evolution of technology is happening at break-neck speed. A.I and machine learning are the main elements that are helping businesses to expand and add technological diversity to their arsenal.

The tools, strategies, and technologies we mentioned are worth integrating into your business. The technology we deem as advanced features today can be necessary or obsolete shortly. 

Start early and give your eCommerce website a boost that will go a long way.

Do you want to recommend any feature that we miss out on? Feel free to comment in the comments section.

About The Author:

Morris Edwards is a web developer & marketing strategist who works with Awebstar, A top-rated Singapore web design company. Apart from this, he loves to write blogs on web design, SEO & internet marketing.

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