7 Digital Marketing Strategies For Independent Artists

7 Digital Marketing Strategies For Independent Artists

Staying relevant in the world of art is often a full-time job. The key to success with your fine art in today’s world is digital marketing. With three main marketing channels of online advertising, social media marketing, and email marketing, you can make your art stand out from the crowd.

How to Market Your Art

As an artist, it can be hard to get your name out there in the digital space since there are so many artists that you’re competing with. Keep these seven digital marketing strategies in mind:

1. Pay for Online Ads

Digital marketing starts with making the right investments. The best part about online advertising is that you can target people very specifically by age, gender, or even location. Consider investing in online ads on platforms like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and others to get your art out to those that need to see it. With paid advertising, you’ll benefit from a targeted form of word-of-mouth marketing and find new collectors and potential buyers sooner than ever before.

2. Get a Website

Having a website is an absolute must for marketing your art online. It’s also not that hard to do. You can hire someone to create one or just start a site yourself with WordPress or Wix. Get creative with it and even add an online store to make it easy to monetize your small and large prints for walls as well as your original work.

3. Utilize Instagram

If you’re a visual artist, leveraging Instagram can be incredibly helpful. Not only can you give your followers an inside look at your artistic process and behind-the-scenes of shows, but it can also drive new viewers to your website or landing page. Try taking photos of work in progress and posting them on Instagram with details on how to get in touch with you about commissions.

4. Create your Email List

An email list is another important digital marketing tool to help promote your work. With an extensive email list, you’ll be able to stay connected with interested collectors, fans, friends, and family. Create an email sign-up form at MailChimp or any other website that lets you collect email addresses for free then get to promoting your work.

5. Use LinkedIn for Networking

LinkedIn is an effective networking tool that you can use to grow your network in many creative ways. Your network provides you with two main benefits: people who may potentially hire you and people with similar passions who can become collaborators. With a consistent presence on LinkedIn, you’ll be able to grow your network and eventually increase your sales over time.

6. Sell Your Work on Etsy

The online marketplace Etsy allows countless artists to sell their work directly to consumers, saving them time and money on marketing, packaging, and other hassles. The store owner takes a cut of every sale but you only pay for items once they are sold. Even if you don’t sell work as easily, consider setting up an Etsy shop just to collect email addresses. You can then use those contacts as an address book for future art promotions.

If you’re not comfortable selling your original work on Etsy, consider selling prints or small collectibles. This way, you can reach a new audience and invite them to learn more about your other work.

7. Start a Podcast

Podcasts are fun, educational, easy to produce, and an excellent marketing tool for artists. They’re great for people who want to talk about their expertise in a particular niche or even just share interesting insights. You can share your podcast on Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, and many other platforms to get the word out about your work.

If you’re not prepared to start a podcast right now, research relevant podcasters online. Once you find a podcast that speaks to you, reach out to ask them if they’d be interested in interviewing you. This way, you can connect to their audience while you introduce their podcast to yours.

As an artist, you know that marketing and networking are as much a part of your job as painting or performing. Use this guide for digital marketing strategies to take your art to the next level.

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