6 Do-It-Yourself SEO Tips and Tricks to Save Money6 Do-It-Yourself SEO Tips and Tricks to Save Money

6 Do-It-Yourself SEO Tips and Tricks to Save Money

SEO could mean different things to different people. Depending on who you ask, SEO is either a fancy term for search engine optimization or a basic concept of decreasing the chances that search engines completely forget your website.

Some SEO experts recommend hiring a professional to help with your marketing strategy, but many companies can take their steps if they choose. Luckily, there are plenty of DIY tips and tricks you can try on your own before handing over your brand or a business website to professional SEO experts.

Sounds interesting, right? So, without any further ado, let’s check out 6 Do-It-Yourself SEO tips and tricks that will help you save money and take your business website to new heights.

DIY SEO: 6 Tips and Tricks That Will You Save Hundreds of Dollars

As long as you have a basic knowledge of how to use search engines and know what to do if things go wrong, you can build and maintain your own search-engine-optimized website.

Tip 1: Take Advantage of Free Keyword Research Tools for Researching Keywords

For many people, the most important part of SEO is keyword research. Keywords are the words or phrases that you want your website to rank for. The more specific the keywords, the higher your chances of ranking well in search engines like Google and Bing.

In order to find out how many people are searching for your targeted keywords, you need to use free keyword tools that can help you create long-tail keywords (i.e., keywords with fewer search terms). These tools will give you valuable insights into what people are searching for online and what their intent might be when they search for keywords related to yours.

One of the best ways to get started is by using a tool like Google Keyword Planner, Uber Suggest, or Ahrefs Keyword Explorer. These tools allow you to enter a number of different keywords and then see which ones have the highest search volume over time (the blue line).

Tip 2: Optimize Your Content With Long-Tail Keywords and Phrases

Another DIY SEO tip you should consider is optimizing your website content and blog content with long-tail keywords and phrases. One of the best ways to use long-tail keywords is to group them into different clusters that have the same search intent. Then, include those keywords in the relevant blog posts of your website.

The main reason to do so is to increase traffic and overall conversions of your website. When it comes to including or optimizing your content with long-tail keywords, you just can’t take keywords and start stuffing them into your content.

You need to make sure that you provide the users with the best experience. Also, you can do is – integrate longtail keywords into relevant and high-quality content. To choose your long-tail keywords, you need to be a little picky. Moreover, it may have lower search volumes, but conversion rates will be high.

Tip 3: Find keywords Gaps

In simple language, a keyword gap analysis is an SEO strategy that helps you compare your website with your competitors to identify keywords that rank the highest and drive maximum traffic. In addition, identifying keyword gaps is a way to reveal the opportunities you are missing out on.

You can find this gap using premium tools like Ahrefs, Uber Suggest, and Semrush. These tools help you identify missing keywords that are important for your brand. It will not take more than 30 minutes of your time, so without giving it a second thought, you can invest your time in this process.

At last, you will have a lot of new content ideas, new landing page ideas, and other important information to represent to your users.

Tip 4: Identify Duplicate Content & Get Rid of It

Do you know that the biggest mistake that many websites do is – to copy content and use it on their website? It is the major reason websites face the problem of dropping rankings and being penalized by search engines. If Google finds out same content in multiple places, then it will show/rank content that was first published. Rest copied blog posts and the content will lose their rankings.

Without hiring Shopify SEO experts, you can identify duplicate content on your website and replace it with unique and informational content that helps your users. In short, the main aim of Google and other search engines is to rank original and unique content that users are looking for.

Tip 5: Building Internal Links on Your Website

Internal links are one of the best link-building techniques in SEO marketing. In fact, it is something that you can do in blog articles and other content of your website on an ongoing basis.

Being a newbie in the industry, if you are not aware of internal links, it simply connects one page of a website to a different page of the same website. Moreover, the source domain and target both are the same in the internal linking. Building internal links on your website provide many benefits to your website, such as:

  • It aids search engines in comprehending your website’s structure.
  • It passes authority and ranking power to the entire website.
  • It also helps your website visitors or users to navigate from one page to another relevant pages.

Whether running an eCommerce website or any other category website, internal link plays a significant role. To get a professional internal link service, you can hire an eCommerce developer with SEO expertise and get further guidance.

Tip 6: Try to Make Use of SEO-Friendly URLs for Your Website

Another important DIY SEO tip that you can consider is to try to make use of SEO-friendly URLs for your website if you are working hard to rank high on SERPs results. In easy language, URLs are simply the address of a unique page of your website that directs your users to your website.

Whenever you publish a new blog post or landing page, you need to create URLs for them, so make sure that they are friendly, easy to read, and understood by online visitors and Google as well. It should include relevant and primary keywords that correlate to the page of the website. Here are some tips that you can consider while creating URLs for your website content:

  • Try to keep the page URL as short as possible, making them easy to type and read.
  • Avoid unnecessary words like and, symbols, and many other words.
  • If you want to separate words in your URL, make use of hyphens rather than underscores.


So, these are the 6 best yet most powerful DIY SEO tips and tricks that you can consider and save a huge amount of money. Now, no need to hire WordPress SEO service if your requirements are do-it-yourself.

If you have specific requirements and wanted to double the traffic and leads of your website, then consider hiring a professional SEO expert to guide you further. To hire a WordPress SEO expert, you can get in touch with Icecube Digital which is a leading WordPress development company with SEO expertise.

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