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3 Ways to Boost the Effectiveness of Your Content Marketing Strategy in Acquiring New Clients

With people increasingly taking most aspects of their lives online, figuring out a way to connect digitally has become one of the most important things a business can do in the modern world. In most cases, it is an easy, cost-effective and highly profitable option of acquiring, keeping, and even expanding a customer base.

Content marketing is fast emerging as a leading technique that successful marketers like MediaGroup Worldwide use to expand the reach of their clients’ businesses. More and more people are using leading search engines to figure out how to solve their problems. And this provides the perfect opportunity for the savvy marketer to position themselves as the go-to solution to their potential client’s problems or needs.

However, since every company in your space is possibly struggling to get top position for search terms in your niche, simply having a website is no longer enough. For your content marketing strategy to be effective, there are things that you need to do better than your competitors. Here are tips that will come in handy.

Create longer content

Studies show that in most competitive niches, longer content tends to rank higher than shorter content. While this does not mean that all that it takes to  rank in the first page of Google is to have a higher word count than everyone else, having longer content usually helps as such type of content is likely to be more comprehensive.

With longer content, you have more time to go more  in depth in whichever topic you are covering. You have more angles to attack a given problem. And in most cases, it usually guarantees a one-stop-shop of information in that a visitor is more likely to find answers to questions that he or she is seeking with little to no effort. This added level of convenience leads to a better user experience, and something that search engines love. Therefore, you can even get better results from increasing the length of your content from the fact that it will get you to rank higher on search engine page results.

Increase your frequency of publishing

Maintaining a frequent and predictable publishing schedule is an easy way to build a loyal following. And since it is always harder to convert cold traffic when compared to warm traffic, it is also an effective way to increase your conversion rates.

When you publish more, you let your audience know that you are constantly trying to help make their life better. It creates familiarity. It is also an effective selling point when it comes to trying to convince your audience to opt into your mailing list or to follow you on social media channels. This, in addition to the fact that a consistent schedule allows you to cast a wider net simply because it leads to more content, is something that will increase the effectiveness of your content marketing strategies.

Increase the value of your content

For your strategy to be incredibly more effective, you need to find a way to make it more valuable to potential users. This may be either by making your content more easily digestible by your audience, more entertaining, or original.

To this end, you should consider different ways of delivering the content. You can do so through audio, video, images, or through text. Even in cases where you reach your audience through blog posts, you can improve their effectiveness by dividing them into easily readable chunks, using subheadings, and adding relevant images. Using attention-grabbing tools like infographics can also increase the value of your content.

An important factor that you should keep in mind when it comes to increasing the value of your content is to be super-focused on making the content relevant to your target audience. Focusing on a given area, exhausting it and then slowly expanding outwards is the best way to build a loyal audience. It increases your odds of getting recognized as an authority in your chosen niche. And it also improves the odds of effective word-of-mouth outreach.

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