3 Effective Digital PR Strategies to Attract the Best Backlinks to Your Website

3 Effective Digital PR Strategies to Attract the Best Backlinks to Your Website

Search engine optimization (SEO) has become indispensable to the success of every business in 2022. Whether you’re selling sustainable clothing or offering fitness consulting services, you need a rock-solid SEO strategy to build brand awareness and acquire new customers. 

SEO even helps you establish brand authority and retain existing customers. It lets you connect with your target customers at each stage of the sales funnel. The best part is that it delivers long-term results and an excellent return on investment (ROI).

The Relevance of Backlinks

While original, meaningful, and well-researched content is the lifeblood of every SEO strategy, you also need to focus on your website’s inbound link profile. A strong and impressive inbound link profile positions your website as a credible and trusted source of information. It tells search engines that you deserve a higher position in relevant search engine results pages (SERPs).

If your company is based out of Las Vegas, it’s best to work with a Las Vegas SEO agency to build a powerful link-building strategy for your website. An experienced Las Vegas SEO company will help you publish guest posts in authoritative industry blogs.

Also, they’ll help you identify the right broken link opportunities and reach out to the respective blog owners. They’ll even monitor various linking domains to identify the best-performing ones.

Whether you’re managing SEO in-house or working with a digital marketing company, it’s worth exploring link-building strategies beyond guest posting and broken links.

That’s where digital PR steps into the picture. Unlike traditional public relations, digital PR focuses on helping your website attract superior quality backlinks from authoritative online publications and blogs.

It bolsters your brand reputation and authority. Also, it helps drive targeted referral traffic to your website, thus maximizing conversions and revenue.

The best part about a digital PR strategy is that it’s difficult to replicate. That gives you a competitive advantage and helps you rise above the crowd.

We’ll outline a few helpful tactics to use digital PR for link building in the following sections. Let’s dive right in.

1. Lay the Groundwork

You can’t implement a marketing campaign without knowing who you’re targeting. Digital PR isn’t an exception.

Conduct social media polls and email surveys to gain a deeper insight into your target audience’s likes, dislikes, preferences, and pain points. Also, seek customer feedback and conduct live sessions on social media to understand their needs.

Next, outline clear goals that your want to accomplish through link-building. While the primary purpose of digital PR is to improve brand awareness, you can set additional objectives, such as maximizing lead generation or audience engagement.

Also, define measurable KPIs (key performance indicators) to assess the performance of your digital PR strategy.

2. Create Linkable Content

Whether you’re trying to attract backlinks for brand awareness or lead generation, you can’t succeed without high-quality content. When you want to get backlinks from authoritative publications and news websites, you need to create a wide array of linkable content assets.

The idea is to provide journalists, influencers, bloggers, and content creators with something they’d want to use as a reference or cite in their articles.

To begin with, you could publish data-driven assets, such as whitepapers and industry reports. These are excellent for showcasing authoritativeness and expertise.

Alternatively, you could publish guides and resources that’ll provide value to your target publications’ readers. Identify product/service experts in your company who can provide fresh and actionable insights about relevant topics.

Also, it’s a good idea to publish engaging thought leadership content that’s relevant to your industry. Identify department heads and C-suite executives who could be the face of your thought leadership content.

You could also use other techniques, such as newsjacking and story-driven product PR to earn backlinks from established publications.

3. Build Your Connections

You must develop long-standing relationships with journalists and bloggers to get the maximum eyeballs on your content. Start by selecting the publications that you want to get backlinks from. Next, identify your target journalists and follow them on various social media platforms, including LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.

Engage with their content by posting enriching and unique comments. Participate in relevant discussion threads with your thoughts and opinions. Gradually build a rapport with them before sending your pitch via email.

Building connections will bring a lot of value to your business and link-building. However, it can be a time-consuming task and requires many communication skills. If you want to get started right away to build a backlink profile of your website, you can check out Link Majesty guest posting service.

Final Thoughts

Guest posting isn’t the only way to strengthen your website’s inbound link profile and search engine rankings. You can use digital PR techniques to attract high-quality backlinks from authoritative and respectable websites. Focus on creating linkable content and building strong connections with journalists, bloggers, influencers, and content creators.