Video Email Marketing: How to Embed Video in Email

Video Email Marketing: How to Embed Video in Email

Video is a powerful medium.

We spend almost three times longer on web pages with video than on ones without. So why not harness the power of video in the emails you send to your list?

Why embed a video in your email?

Well-crafted video captures the attention and imagination in a way text can’t. It puts us in the same room as the other person and mimics a face to face interaction. When it comes down to it, most people would rather watch a video than read a long email.

An example of one of our fun Biteable mailout videos promoting new scenes

So far, the marketing results are promising! Just using the word video in your email subject line increases open rates by 19% and click-through rates by 65%. But it’s not all sunshine and virtual roses. The easiest way to share a promo video with your email list is to embed it. The problem is that most big email providers like Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo don’t support embedded video. If you take that path, you don’t just risk sending your list a video they can’t play – you also increase your chance of ending up in the spam folder. So, while embedding a video does improve the user experience, the cost can be too high.