Top 8 Effective E-Commerce SEO Tips to Enhance Your Traffic

Top 8 Effective E-Commerce SEO Tips to Enhance Your Traffic

In a generation where Product Listing Advertisements are becoming extremely expensive to afford, SEO or Search Engine Optimization is one of the best ways to enhance your marketing efforts and boost the traffic of your store. 

Generating active and passive traffic for your products and services is extremely important as it will help you to rely less on the other paid channels. E-commerce SEO is a method of boosting the discoverability of your website on SERPs or search engine ranking pages by targeting appropriate keywords as per your product as well as the improvement of your site speed and structure. The primary objective of e-commerce SEO is to increase the ranking of your store as high as possible to generate traffic to your E-commerce website. 

As the business world is competitive, you need to remember some e-commerce SEO tips. Here are the top 8 effective e-commerce SEO tips to boost the traffic of your website by Covert Hawk. 

Website Structure is Important

Having a structured business website not only enhances the chance of purchase but also increases the rankings of your business on the search engine results pages. Even though there are multiple ways to improve the structure of your website, the best way to do this is by improving navigation and clean URLs. 

These two parts of your E-commerce business website can impact your store immediately. The first one is breadcrumb navigation. This helps users to know their position in the website hierarchy without checking the URL. This not only organizes the structure of your website but also the site mapping. On the other hand, a clean URL will help you to improve the accessibility and usability of your website. 

Research E-commerce Keywords

Now that you’ve completed structuring your E-commerce website, the next step is to research in-depth keywords. Make sure you start with a robust keyword foundation to improve your SEO efforts. This will save you a lot of time if applied correctly. Researching keywords of your e-commerce SEO is extremely important as it will impact the organization of your business. 

You can use various keyword planners, but nothing is as effective as Google Keyword Planner. It will help you to find your primary keyword information. You can collect average CPC’s, average monthly search volume, competition, and popularity of the keyword in the SEM world. This tool will undoubtedly improve your keyword research efforts. 

Optimize Your Product Pages

If you think that you can boost your business by copying and pasting the product descriptions from other companies, you will never achieve success. Remember that product descriptions of product information are extremely important for your business. Using the product descriptions properly as well as Meta Descriptions and Meta Titles will help you to optimize your e-commerce website and SEO. 

Make sure your product description is unique as well as eye-catching. You can make your products descriptions attractive by:

  • Minimize the jargon to make the descriptions easy to interpret. 
  • Focus on the buyer persona
  • Stick to your branding
  • Use bullet points to pinpoint particular benefits of features

Avoid Content Cannibalization

While running an e-commerce business store, make sure you’re not uploading duplicate content. When you have thousands of products in your store, it might get difficult to differentiate product variations and descriptions. Having duplicate content is dangerous for your search rankings. 

So, how you can avoid uploading duplicate content? To minimize the negative effect on your e-commerce SEO, you can include a canonical tag or 301 redirect page. This way the search engines will be able to understand the pages with similar content. 

Improve the Speed of Your Website

This is an extremely important topic that will develop an immediate impact on the visitor experience as well as the effectiveness of your e-commerce store. 

There are multiple tools available that will help you to measure the speed of your website. Additionally, they will also help you to know which things are making your website slow. Make sure you use Google PageSpeed Insights for a better experience. 

The great part about these tools is that they are capable of providing insightful action items that are easy to be fixed. However, remember that some issues are harder to solve than others. 

Use HTTPS to Secure Your Store

Despite the importance, many business owners don’t rely on HTTPS. Remember that HTTPS is one of the most important things to secure your store. But, do you know why it is important? 

As the store owner, you have to collect personal information from your customers or visitors. However, you need to protect that confidential information at any cost. Hence, you need to ensure that the customer information is encrypted. 

If this reason doesn’t open your eyes towards HTTPS, Google declared that HTTPS is a major factor for the ranking of websites. Fortunately, E-commerce platforms provide SSL standards on their platform without any extra money. 

Fix the Broken Links

This is another important factor for your e-commerce SEO. You might have experienced ‘Page 404 Not Found’ on many websites. Not fixing these broken links will affect your SEO ranking. 

This is a bad example of user experience, even for Google. As your business website grows, checking for 404 errors and fixing them will become a daily task. 

There are multiple tools available that will help you to pinpoint broken links easily on your website. Keep in mind that you can always redirect 301 home pages to the 404 error page. This way you can solve the problem quickly. 

Make Sure the Content is Easy to Read

Customers won’t enjoy contents that are hard to interpret. Only 15% of customers read websites pages word by word. Most people scan the webpage at a glance and they will avoid engaging your website if they cannot find their requirement immediately. 

Whether bounce rate is important for Google or not, if your e-commerce website is hard to read, people will avoid engaging. Hence, make sure the paragraphs are written in great fonts and have proper breaks in between. You can also use bullet points to make the content attractive. 


These are the top 8 effective e-commerce SEO tips that will help you to increase the organic growth of your business as well as improve the marketing campaign. However, keep in mind that search engine optimization is a time-consuming process. Hence, be patient!

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