Significance of User Experience in Digital Marketing in 2021

Significance of User Experience in Digital Marketing in 2021

Advertising in the pre-internet days used to be carried out through channels like television, newspaper, billboards. Brands also built characters around products to create the semblance of connection between brands and viewers. Famous faces were roped in to sell everything right from cigarettes to cars. Products and characters began to go hand in hand on television be it the famous Vodafone Zoo-Zoos or the Amul girl. But slowly and steadily, what the consumer wanted was getting out of focus and what brands wanted to sell was given utmost importance. But as the world was introduced to the internet and events like the dot com bubble, the internet spread across continents in no time. And with the internet, the consumers became aware of the offerings and started making informed decisions. Also, the traditional marketing came with its own set of cons like it was heavy on pockets for small businesses, there was a need of printing the brochures, business cards, the exact reach and frequency of such campaigns also could not be known. 

This is when digital marketing came into being. With Google getting more than 77,000 searches per second, the brands must hop in the train of digital marketing which provides them with the pros like low cost even for small businesses, easy to measure and adjust precise targeting, brand development etc. 

Relevancy has become an important term in the digital marketing era. Every bit of content that the consumer consumes today has to be relevant. User experience or UX as it is popularly called is equally important. All the perfect and relevant content is of no use if the user experience is not that good. While advertising their brand, marketers usually focus on just the digital marketing campaigns thus neglecting a rather vital component of the campaign success – the User Experience. These two are interlinked and may not be effective if one of them is absent. Brands might create the best digital campaigns but may lose out on customers and fail to generate conversions owing to a not-so-good user experience. So, over the years, brands have invested a lot of time and attention in tweaking UX. We will now discuss what significance UX in digital marketing holds in 2021.

A positive user experience leads to customer satisfaction.

Improving the customer journey is said to increase customer satisfaction by 20% and can also lift the revenue up by 15%. A positive UX is also said to lower the cost of serving customers by about 20%. 

Brands must ensure that user experience is as smooth and consistent as possible like this in every way affects how consumers interact with your company. Hence user experience becomes an important factor to build a relationship with the customers. Making the website relevant and a useful marketing tool leads to conversions and hence user experience becomes a vital component of the success journey. A positive UX boosts customer satisfaction which in turn makes them happy and they may share their experiences. This is also the best way to differentiate your product from the competitors. 

Good User Experience improves SEO.

What impacts SEO is that the importance of UX makes SEO better. Users tend to stick around your website exploring your content more often if the UX is great thus decreasing the bounce rate. Google gives greater preference to the website’s user experience than you think. The lower bounce rate due to impressive UX gives Google an indication that the website is full of relevant content as the user is exploring instead of bouncing off and that the website has relevant content as per the user’s search intent. UX and SEO go hand in hand as they both share the common goal of providing the users with information relevant to their queries. To get the user experience on right track from an SEO point of view, brands can align their UX and SEO strategies, focus on designs that fit SEO principles, invest in responsive web design, simplify navigation, focus on quality etc.

User Experience helps build Conversions.

Good conversion rates mean more sales and revenue and that is why strategies of brands should revolve around developing better UX. Including a video on the landing page, the call to action button placement, website speed and readability are some of the things when implemented, can help boost the sales for a brand. A friendly UX would mean a user spends a good time exploring the website to find even more information. And thus the UX will guide the user to conversion. 

Moreover, around 80% of the users search for an alternate website if the website they landed on doesn’t provide them with the experience they were looking for. User-friendly websites have a visitor to conversion rate twice as compared to a poorly designed site. And by this effective landing page design, brands increase customer satisfaction and hence conversions. 

E.g. for an eCommerce website, it all depends upon how the website has designed its product detail pages for a smooth user experience. Everything right from the buy now button to the availability of the sellers matter for them. To ace in this field, brands are turning to 3rd party eCommerce development and ecommerce support providing companies so that it’s a win-win situation both for the brand and the customer.

Content is equally vital to user experience. The best way in which you can convey your message to your customers is by publishing content that is engaging, relevant and crisp. Well-crafted content optimized for SEO proves beneficial for user experience. 

With all this said, there is no set rule or magical formula to ace in conversions. In the ever-competitive race for getting the customers to like what you have to offer, brands need to experiment by mixing and matching their digital marketing strategies while also making sure of the best possible user experience. This way they can stay ahead of the competition, spend less on advertising and can see the revenue flowing in!

Author Bio:

A creative and passionate mobile application enthusiast with over 7 years of experience in providing IT solution across various industries. Nitesh Behani is the Co-Founder of Magneto IT Solutions, a full service of Mobile App Development in the USA, India, and Bahrain. He has experience in delivering more than 100+ project ranging from web technologies to mobile application technology.

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