Real Estate SEO: The Ultimate Checklist and Tips to Follow in 2020

The world of real-estate has changed a lot in these past few years, thanks to the rapid adoption of technology solutions by both customers and realtors. Today, around 93% of customers prefer searching property information online via a website. Seeing this emerging trend of buying properties online – most real estate property agents are looking to build a website for their business. 

But, asking a mobile app development company to build a quality website or web app for you is not enough as a realtor today. You want your website to appear in top search results every time a user searches property information online. But, the majority of the realtors struggle to get quality leads and traffic online for their real estate website. This is due to the lack of an SEO-optimized website. 

So, the article will shed light on key SEO strategies to optimize a real estate website. This real estate SEO guide will also provide tips for realtors about how to rank their website high in local search results and get quality traffic online. 

What Is Real Estate SEO?

Broadly speaking, real estate SEO refers to the technique for improving website traffic and SERP rankings whenever someone makes a query related to property buying or selling online.

Why Is SEO Important For Real Estate Businesses?

  • 90% of homebuyers prefer searching for properties online. 
  • 78% of people search at least three real estate sites before buying a property. 
  • 250% growth in real estate-based searches in the last four years on Google.

The internet is becoming an important part of homebuyers’ property search journey. Google searches related to real estate property have grown by 250% in the last four years. Also, those looking to buy or sell a property make 11 different searches on the internet before they come in contact with a real broker. So, it’s very clear for realtors to identify the best SEO strategies for the real estate business.

Real estate SEO helps you build a solid online presence by helping you reach more prospective home buyers or sellers online. Also, by optimizing content and putting the focus on certain keywords, you can improve your reach online and get relevant traffic for your site. 

Top SEO Hacks For Real Estate Website Optimization

Local SEO Tips For Real Estate 

Obtain Google My Business Listing

For local SEO, it’s important that you focus on obtaining Google MyBusiness Listing for your real estate website. Provide details like business address, phone, contact, etc. Keep NAP consistent across all channels to ensure your real estate business starts appearing in knowledge cards of Google Maps, Google SRP, etc. 

Publish City-Specific Content 

It’s important to create and publish local or city-specific content for your real estate website to rank higher in local search results related to property. It is important to improve your  E-A-T (Expertise, Authority, and Trust) value in the eyes of Google.

Prioritize Local SEO Keywords

Nearly all homebuyers make location-based searchers when they are looking to buy properties in a particular area. So, it’s very important to include local SEO keywords on your real estate website. 

Apart from keeping NAP consistent, local SEO keywords that are relevant to your services should be a part of your SEO strategy to improve website rankings. For example, as a property business owner in California, keywords like “California Real Estate,” “Home for Sale in California,” and “California Real Estate Agents” should be a part of your website. 

Get Quality Customer Reviews

Today, almost 90% of the homebuyers read online reviews before trusting a particular real estate website. Out of them, 72% take positive action, i.e., buy/sell the property after seeing positive reviews. So, it’s highly recommended you request your past, happy clients, to leave a positive review online. Client reviews on top sites like Yelp, Google+ can boost your real estate SEO efforts. 

On-Page SEO Tips For Real Estate

On-site SEO is directly related to optimizations you made into your website to help it rank better on Google for a specific search term or topic. Increasing your website’s relevance in the eyes of Google is also a part of On-site SEO efforts.

Optimize On-Page Elements

Many popular real estate solutions provider companies create high-quality content for their website. But, they fail to optimize it for search engines, resulting in poor online visibility. If crawlers can’t “read” or go through your content, they won’t serve your relevant blogs or site pages to users who are looking for the same. Besides website content, there are other elements in your real estate site, which you should consider: 

Create Powerful Headlines For Grabbing Audience Attention 

80% of website visitors read only compelling headlines on a web page, The remaining reads the rest of the content. So, try to write an engaging copy of the content for the headings of your real estate website pages.

Integrate Quality Video Content 

As per Bold Content statistics, real estate listings with videos receive nearly 400% more inquiries than the ones who don’t have a video sample. Moreover, the Cisco internet research 2020 also shows that 82% of all internet traffic will be because of video content. 

Despite this, only 15% of real estate agents use video marketing to promote their website. So, integrate compelling video content in your real estate business website to set yourself apart from the rivals. 

Work with Long Tail Keywords

Head keywords and Long-tail keywords are the two main types of keywords in SEO.

Head keywords are generally short, highly competitive, and broader in scope. For head keywords, outpacing the reputed, established, and high-authority sites are difficult as a beginner in the real estate domain. 

So, instead of targeting head keywords, focus on long-tail keyword optimization for your real estate site. Nearly, 70% of Google searches are based on long-tail keywords. 

Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly 

Today, nearly 89% of home buyers use a mobile phone to search for properties online. In 2020, Google is also shifting its focus towards mobile-first indexing. 

So, run your real estate website through the Google mobile-friendly test to check whether it is well-optimized for mobile or not. Also, focus on improving your website page speed as nearly 53% of visitors leave a website (within 3 seconds) if it does not load fast. Work with an experienced website development company to add accelerated mobile pages (AMP) into your site. AMP reduces page loading times, bounce rate, and is browser friendly with SEO support. 

Off-Page SEO Tips for Real Estate Website

List Your Properties On Popular Platforms

Zillow, Redfin, etc. are some popular real-estate platforms to list your properties for getting higher impressions or views on them.

With a large retailer network and customer database, these platforms are best to promote your real estate business on a global scale for improving your brand visibility. 

Go for Guest Posting!

Connect with reputed publishers in the real estate domain and contribute to their website by posting quality blogs via guest post submissions. Many publishers in the real estate segment are actively looking for contributors who deliver quality blogs consistently. These blogs are helpful for their community members and save valuable time. 

What you get in return is quality backlinks links pointing back to your real-estate website. So, try to publish your content on some of the most popular brands in your niche to improve your site authority. 

Summing Up…!

Improve the quality of your real estate SEO efforts by following the points given in this ultimate checklist. Also, build a strong foundation for your real estate website and dominate local search rankings to grow your business online, keeping the above real estate SEO tips in mind for achieving the best results. 

About the Author: Scarlett is a tech-savvy writer at A3logics. She likes to stay updated with the latest technology trends and world affairs. She loves writing riveting posts related to online marketing, SEO, and enterprise software development. When not moving her magic pen, you can find her wandering around the beautiful, sandy beaches in her hometown, Carlsbad. 

Catch her here

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