Pinterest for businesses: how to get the most out of it

Pinterest for businesses: how to get the most out of it

Pinterest can be a great potential that you may not be taking advantage of. That’s why in this post I explain how to implement the best Pinterest strategy for companies

Pinterest exceeds 250 million active users per month. And today, it is growing more than other social networks like Twitter. But it is true that not all companies dare to use this tool, or if they create an account, they do not use it regularly. Knowing how to use Pinterest for Business can cleverly improve the results your business gets with this network. 

Do you want to discover the keys to Pinterest for business? 

What makes Pinterest so unique? This social network is based on images, be they drawings, photographs, infographics, videos or GIFs. We could say that it is the most visual social network. The purpose in it is nothing more than to be inspired or to learn. For this reason, Pinterest should not be treated the same as Instagram, a social network that is more based on “appearance”.

Something you should keep in mind is that there are businesses that “have it easier” on this social network. Visual businesses tend to be more successful on Pinterest. Some of the best examples are photography or bridal businesses. And it is also that a study clarifies that 73% of Pinterest users are female.

Why use Pinterest for Business?

Before opening the way to explain how to use Pinterest for business, it is better that you know the advantages that this tool can bring you.

Did you know that each time users visit 1,900 million pages from this social network? And that we spend an average of fifteen minutes getting to know them? All this is true, according to data published by Social Bla Bla. However, another much more suggestive figure for companies calls our attention.

And it is that, after accessing the content of Pinterest, Internet users spend an average of 179 dollars. Great information as far as ecommerce is concerned, and a magnificent opportunity for all those brands that do not want to miss out on the opportunities offered by Social Media.

  • The best for promoting: without a doubt, the most visual social networks are the ones that work best for promoting products or services.
  • Position images in Google: Pinterest can help you appear in the first results of search engine images.
  • Inspire and teach your audience: users of this social network generally go to it to get inspired or learn something new in a simpler and more attractive way. 
  • Drive traffic to your website: like many other social networks, this is another great tool to get visits to your website.

Know the vocabulary of Pinterest

Each social network has a unique type of words that are used within the tool. These are the ones you’ll need to know in order to use Pinterest correctly:

  • Pin: is the name given to the content that is uploaded to this network. That is, infographics, drawings… Therefore, a photo is equivalent to a “Pin”.
  • Pinning: it is simply sharing a pin with your audience, one of your own.
  • Pinner or pinador: it’s you and me. And all those users who use this platform.
  • Repin: is to share the pin or pins of other users. Equivalent to a “retweet” on Twitter. In order to share another pinner’s images, you need to “save” their pin.
  • Board: It is the place where all your pins are stored. You can create several and use them as categories.
  • Follower: Coming soon to you when you follow websa100 on Pinterest. 

Top tips for using Pinterest for business

1. Fine-tune your Pinterest profile

Your profiles on social networks are your letter of introduction and on Pinterest the opposite is not the case. To do this, choose a suitable profile photo, use the space reserved for the description to add the information that you most want to convey about your business and organize your boards coherently.

2. Use the boards to organize yourself

If you only create one board, you’re going to end up making a mess of yourself, and probably your audience too. Create different boards for different topics or categories. Of course, try not to do too many because if not, we return to the same. 

And place them. You can arrange your boards so that the most important ones stay at the top of your page.

3. Post compelling content

People react to those stimuli that attract their attention. Publishing content (pins) that develops from a suggestive, attractive and impressive title is a cardinal point when it comes to getting followers on Pinterest. Likewise, adding the keywords of your business to our comments will help you to position yourself on the network and adding a link to your website will increase your web traffic.

Do not forget to use the watermarks or the logo of your company: with this you will be able to publicize your brand and, in turn, you will prevent other accounts from using your pins as their own.

You can also add hashtags. As in other social networks, hashtags are one more element. You can also include a short description to your pins.

4. Position by keywords

A trick to find out which are the best keywords for your publication is to do a simple search in the Pinterest search engine. When you type a word, say Marketing, Pinterest will suggest others. You can include them in your pin description by adding them as a hashtag.

5. Take care of the images

Of course, all those images that you add must be attractive and have good quality. If your company does not work in the visual field, it is better to have a company that works in web design.

Size does matter: no matter how much you upload a good quality image, if it’s too small it won’t be appreciated well. In the case of infographics, this advice is much more important, since you will make it easier for the text to be read well.

6. Interact with your network

You can comment on other users’ pins or follow them.

7. Don’t forget the links

Whenever you can, add links to your website. One very important thing to keep in mind is that Pinterest does not allow you to use shortened URLs. Keep this in mind to add your URLs directly copied from your website.  

8. Reward quality and value over quantity

You have to manage to upload a good number of pins, but adding value to all of them and of course with a good aesthetic. Therefore, you must prioritize the value that you transmit with them before the quantity.

9. Share on other social networks

Don’t forget to link your Pinterest pins to other social networks and your website.

10. Think about the mobile user

More and more users are encouraged to use the Pinterest App. How can you adapt your pins to the mobile user? The best publications for these devices are those that are in vertical format.

11. Never forget what you have proposed

You must carry out monthly analyzes to observe and analyze the results that you are achieving in this social network. Depending on the mimes, you will have to make some changes or others to achieve the proposed objectives.

12. Stay alert

In this step we ask you to do some research and analyze what actions your competition is taking on Pinterest. We do not want you to copy what they do, but we do want you to know the trends that are developing in your sector.

Also, study the content you publish in relation to the keywords that define your business and see which are the boards in which users have ‘repinned’ you the most. It will help you to trace the interests of your audience.

13. Above all, education

Pinterest for Business uses the features of any social network. In it, users comment, show our opinions through “likes” and exchange content. Therefore, companies must maintain a responsible and polite attitude in their interactions with followers.

Thus, it is preferable that in the face of any interaction with users we be consistent and thank them if they begin to follow us or in the event of a comment. Communicating with them, whether they approve our content or criticize it, is an action from which every company benefits, and for this they do nothing better than showing a positive attitude towards the audience.