8 Most Common Types of Cybersecurity Threats

8 Most Common Types of Cybersecurity Threats

Cybersecurity threats have evolved over the years, becoming more advanced and sophisticated with each passing day. The majority of cyber threats come in the form of malware, phishing attacks, DDoS attacks, and other malicious activities that can steal information from your company or otherwise interrupt your business operations (or worse). But which threats are the most common? Here are eight of the most common types of cybersecurity threats you should be aware of as you try to keep your company safe.

1. Malware

One type of cyber threat is malware, or malicious software. Malware can take several forms, from a sophisticated computer virus to a simple piece of code that redirects your browser when you click on an ad (commonly called malvertising). To protect against malware attacks, it’s important to use security software that detects and blocks suspicious code before it can cause damage. While most antivirus programs do a decent job detecting and removing viruses and other malware, using multiple layers of protection makes it harder for hackers to sneak into your system. Malware can also be installed in hardware devices like printers or routers, so make sure you are keeping these devices up-to-date with firmware patches as well. Read more about Cyber Threat Intelligence Services.

2. Phishing Scams

In an increasingly digital world, it’s no surprise that cybersecurity threats are on the rise. However, despite their prevalence, many businesses lack an effective cybersecurity threat intelligence plan. One of the most common types of cyberattack is phishing scams—wherein a hacker will send emails (sometimes in volumes) to employees and customers with links or attachments that may seem legitimate but have malicious intent (usually to install malware or gain access to sensitive information). Businesses must be on guard against these commonly-used tactics because if not detected and addressed quickly, a breach can result in thousands of dollars in lost time and money.

3. Zero-Day Exploits

Zero-day exploits are a cyber threat intelligence service company’s worst nightmare. It takes months, sometimes years, to develop a security program and keep it running. But with just one little change in code (that you didn’t even know was possible), your carefully constructed walls are brought crashing down. Someone else has discovered that weakness and exploited it for their own gain. If you run a business, you probably don’t have time to fix holes that you haven’t even realized exist yet – or that someone else will find before you do. You need to be proactive about protecting yourself from zero-day exploits.

4. Data Breaches

Cyber criminals are always looking for new ways to breach cybersecurity. Data breaches are on the rise, and cybersecurity threats to your business will increase as well. If you’re not sure what to do or how to protect yourself, get in touch with a cyber threat intelligence service such as sapphire.net today! The sooner you work with a team that can provide valuable insights into what is going on in cyberspace, and share their knowledge about common attacks from your area (as well as information about potential weaknesses or vulnerabilities), then you can protect yourself against data breaches. It’s important to understand what kind of cybersecurity threats you might be facing so that you can start working towards building better protection strategies for your company. By knowing more about these common types of cybersecurity threats, you can develop strategies and tactics to reduce risks. Some companies may choose different approaches than others based on their industry needs; however, all organizations should implement some type of strategy, so they don’t fall victim to a data breach or other form of attack.

5. Denial of Service Attacks

A denial-of-service attack (DoS) is one way hackers can hack or disrupt your business’s online services. A denial-of-service attack typically occurs when a person, team or organization floods a website with more traffic than it can handle from multiple sources. Distributed denial-of service attacks are often so widespread that they saturate an ISP’s network and servers, which is why many companies hire cybersecurity threat intelligence firms to help mitigate these types of cyber threats. In addition to having a solid understanding of DDoS technology, these companies have deep knowledge about which ISPs are most vulnerable to such attacks and how best to keep your company out of harm’s way.

6. Botnets

A Botnet is a network of private computers infected with malicious software, also known as a malware. The cyber criminals who create and manage Botnets are able to direct them to perform distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on websites, steal data or commit other illegal activities. Botnets can consist up to hundreds of thousands of individual machines, and they can be rented online for any purpose, by individuals or organized crime groups. – Definition according to Wikipedia. Companies employing Cyber Threat Intelligence Services to monitor their networks are better prepared in case these botnets attack.

7. Ransomware 

Ransomware is a type of malicious software that locks you out of your computer or mobile device, or holds it for ransom by encrypting or locking all its data. Typically, ransomware (also known as ransomware) doesn’t steal your files directly — it just holds them hostage until you pay up to unlock them. In some cases, ransomware can also turn your device into a botnet and use it to attack other computers and networks. Ransomware is typically distributed via phishing emails that ask you to click on an attachment (which will download and execute malware onto your computer). If you receive an email like that from someone you don’t know asking for money, just delete it don’t even open it!

8. Hacking Teams

A hacking team is an organized group that uses cyberattacks for profit. These groups have gained notoriety for launching DDoS attacks (distributed denial-of-service) against large companies or organizations as a means to extort money from them. Hacking teams can also use their abilities to extract sensitive information such as intellectual property, trade secrets, research data, or privileged documents from their targets. The prevalence of hacking teams was highlighted in 2013 by a report from security firm Mendicant that found an advanced persistent threat (APT) is operating out of China and has stolen hundreds of terabytes worth of intellectual property and commercial data.

The most common cybersecurity threats come from malware, phishing and social engineering. With that in mind, you should take additional steps to secure your data and network infrastructure. Make sure you update all programs on a regular basis to keep them working at full capacity and install antivirus software. There are many types of attack, and it’s important to educate yourself on what they look like, so you can avoid them and protect your business as much as possible. One last thing: make sure you have an updated backup plan; one way or another, something will go wrong with your computer system at some point and when it does, you want to be prepared for a quick fix.