6 PR Tips To Empower Your Sales Team

6 PR Tips To Empower Your Sales Team

Being a salesperson takes a certain set of skills that not everyone is lucky enough to possess. Yet, sometimes even being skilled at selling isn’t enough for those big wins. If you manage a sales team or simply notice your team falling flat and becoming discouraged, here are some things they can do now to gain momentum back. 

Understand Important Sales Metrics

You could be the best salesperson who closes deals left and right, but if you don’t understand important sales metrics, you could still be leaving revenue on the table. A good salesperson should know more than just how to sell a product. They should also understand how certain things like customer retention and churn (the rate at which customers stay with the company versus those who leave) can affect the bottom line. Salespeople should also remember not to neglect current customers who may purchase more in the future. Once they become a customer, their lifetime value should be considered and they should never be forgotten about.


Blogging is an easy way to stay engaged with your customers (and potentials). Your blog is a great way to share your company’s “personality” with the world, so be sure that your post topics vary and aren’t always promoting your products. Use your blog to present yourself as a thought leader in your field, and do some research to learn what people are really asking about your industry so you can write a well-prepared response. Also, be sure to use keywords that pertain to your company or product so that your post indexes well in search engines. If someone searches for a popular keyword that is related to what you do, your blog should pop up high in their search results.  

Understand Your Buyer

Understanding your buyer is essential to sales success. Instead of spreading your message into the world with no parameters and hoping it resonates with someone, create ads and messaging that are tailored to the buyer persona who could really benefit from what you have to sell. Do research to determine exactly what type of person uses your product and create content tailored to them and their pain points. Do you sell software that helps make hospitals HIPAA compliant? Develop messaging that resonates with this audience and proves that you can make their life easier. It isn’t worth trying to sell to someone who doesn’t have any need for your product, no matter how great at sales you are. But if everything doesn’t work out for you as expected, why not hire someone who can understand them? Agencies like Closify are filled with closers.

Utilize Social Media

Nearly everyone has an account on at least one of the popular social media sites, so if your brand doesn’t, it is time to create a page! Using social media is a great way to get in front of people who may not find you on their own. Create compelling ads targeted to your buyer, and you just may gain some traction simply by people becoming aware of your existance while casually scrolling through their favorite social platform.

Ask For Reviews

Reviews from customers who have used your product can be nearly impossible to get. Odds are, most of the unsolicited reviews are angry, negative reviews. However, reviews are an essential part of the buyer’s journey and can influence a prospect’s decisions, so it is essential that you have some positive reviews on the Internet. Encourage happy customers to write reviews and offer incentives such as coupon codes or gift cards if they comply. Nothing is a better advertisement for your company than the actual testimony of a happy customer, so do what you can to get some reviews published.

Don’t Overdo It

Do not bombard your potentials with calls, emails, or anything else. If you become annoying, the potential is likely to move onto another product, so ensure that you are not contacting anyone more than is needed.

Being a salesperson can be tough and often discouraging. Use these simple tips to empower your sales team to be the best they can be.

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