What is SMO? Develop Your Social Media Strategy in 8 Steps

What is SMO? Develop Your Social Media Strategy in 8 Steps

Download a FREE copy of How to Increase Audience, Revenue & Profits with Multiplatform Publishing , a guide to multiplatform publishing growth for magazine and subscription-based publishers. We hate spam as much as you do. You have our promise not to sell or share your email address, ever! Please read our Privacy Policy . Most publishers have only completed 1-2 of these 8 crucial SMO steps Social Media Optimization (SMO) is what we call the process of optimizing your content and your business for social media. Typically, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes first. This is the process of creating content that has been optimized for some set of keywords that our target audience is looking for. SMO is what we do with that content after it has been produced, and it’s not easy. If you want to be successful in social media, and you want your content to be read, clicked, and shared, then it takes as much work as any other task. To get the most out of your social media efforts, keep reading. Download a FREE copy of How to Increase Your Audience and Decrease Your Marketing Budget and discover how to get the most out of your website traffic and turn visitors into digital dollars. Download now. 1. Create a social media style guide. Before anything, pull down your editorial style guide and highlight anything that might apply to social. For example, don’t just look at, say, how you capitalize words, but also look at how […]

Categories: Digital Marketing
Nick Loggie:
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