How To Post To Multiple Social Networks In 2021

How To Post To Multiple Social Networks In 2021

How To Post To Multiple Social Networks In 2021

Social media channels are some of the best platforms to optimize your brand. Through the creation of unique, fresh content, you get the chance to engage your audiences. However, if you feel that posting on social networks at any time is enough, you are wrong. 

As a result, you must have a clear idea of the different posting methods on multiple social networks in 2021. If you want to increase your visibility on several social platforms at the same time, it can be highly frustrating.

But with perseverance and tricks, you can successfully maintain your presence by posting interactive content on more than two social media sites. Read the below section to get rich insights into how to post on multiple social networks in 2021. 

Why Social Media Is Important In 2021?

Why social media is so crucial in 2021- Well, have you tried to find a perfect answer to this question? I suppose you have not got the ideal solution, and that is why you are here. 

To be very precise, social media gives you a one-to-one connection with your followers and target audience. Significantly, the year 2020 was a curse for traditional businesses, few of which only survived. In contrast, companies having a digital presence on social media sites sustained in the market successfully. 

Did you know that social media marketing is a vast niche in the contemporary business sector? Indeed, it has become so popular over recent years due to its flexibility, accessibility, and broader reach. 

With the advancement of internet services, the number of social media users is increasing in leaps and bounds every year. In 2021, about 3.78 billion people will have used social media globally.  On average, internet users have spent 144 minutes each day on messaging and social media. 

So can you imagine how much value you can add to your business by maintaining your presence on multiple social networks? Let us now move on to the methods following which you can post on various social sites.

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What Are The Ways Of Posting On Multiple Social Media Platforms?

Posting images, content, videos, and links on social networks is a great way to increase your brand’s visibility and augment customer base. 

Buffer is a great social media management tool that has come up with quirky ways to coordinate multiple social media accounts at once. For example, it reminds you to post on Facebook if you have not posted lately.  From Instagram, you can send your content to Facebook also. 

Firstly, you require signing up for 2-3 accounts, including a Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn through Buffer’s free version. For instance, suppose you are trying to post an image of your product to different handles at 6 pm today. Here is what you will have to do:

  • Share the image you wish to post from your device to Buffer once you have prepared and selected it.
  • Select the account where you would like to post the photo. To do this, tap on the ‘+’ sign at the top. Now type any caption that you would like to attach with the picture. You can also add photos or videos with it.
  • Once you are ready to post, click on ‘Share.’ Now, you will be able to choose a convenient sharing time. Create your schedule or incorporate it into an already arranged time. You can also select a date and time in the future.
  • If it is a single-time posting, hit the ‘Custom Schedule’ option.
  • It will be posted to Twitter automatically at the selected time. What’s more? You would also receive notifications on your handset during the time of posting on Instagram.
  • Please note that Buffer’s notification at the set time would provide you with two important options. The options are – Dismiss or Post the notification.
  • Proceed towards posting the image on Instagram by tapping ‘Post.’
  • After that, you will receive a prompt saying whether you want to post it to your Feed or as a Story.
  • Assuming that you would select Feed, click on the ‘Feed’ option.
  • Furthermore, on Instagram, you can edit the picture. There are several options to crop, sharpen, alter brightness, and many others. Nevertheless, there are also provisions to add hashtags for enhancing the search rank of the post.
  • After all the desired changes have been made, tap ‘Share.’ The photo will appear on your Instagram page and Feed your followers.
  • Do you want to get some more surprises? You do not need to retype your caption or hashtags anymore. It is because Buffer has already stored the caption into the phone’s cache memory. So just tap the caption slot and hit ‘Paste.’
  • In the same way, go for choosing Facebook, Tumbler, or LinkedIn to post the same photo of your product.

The Bottom Line

Now that you are pro at posting to multiple social networks simultaneously, why don’t you try out and promote your business? Through Buffer, you can just rock your social media accounts even if you are not a professional. 

Nowadays, few people want to ruin so much time in this busy life by investing it in social channels. So use Buffer and stay one step ahead.  

Author Bio:

Hanna Flores is a passionate blogger. She loves to share her thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world through blogging. Hanna Flores is associated with Techrab, World News Inn & Exclusive Rights.

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