7 Reasons Repurposing Your Content can Improve Your Marketing Strategy

7 Reasons Repurposing Your Content can Improve Your Marketing Strategy

7 Reasons Repurposing Your Content can Improve Your Marketing Strategy

Creating a holistic content marketing strategy means constantly producing content without burning yourself out.

The reason we should always pump content is to keep our audience engaged. It also helps you educate your audience, enabling you to turn them into loyal customers.

The only caveat is that content production can be exhausting. That’s because you need to plan what content to produce and where you will distribute it. Plus, your content can be a hit or miss.

It is not every day that your content will be viral.

Luckily, repurposing can help reduce the amount of time you need to plan and produce content.

What is Content Repurposing?

Also known as content recycling, it is the process of transforming a piece of content into different formats.

For example, a podcast episode can become a blog post and an audiogram. You can pick the important points from the blog post and turn them into a Facebook and Instagram post. You can also turn that Facebook post into an infographic that you can share on Pinterest.

As such, you only need to plan one topic. And what’s great about content repurposing is that different content formats allow you to promote them on various online channels.

How Content Repurposing can Improve Your Marketing Strategy

Now that you know how content repurposing works, it is time to find out why you should incorporate it in your marketing strategy:

Maximize Time and Effort

Marketing can be hectic. Hence, you would need a tactic that allows you to make the most of what you do.

This is where content repurposing comes in handy.

As mentioned earlier, you only need to think of one topic. From there, you can transform it into various formats. That’s why you can talk about the same thing on different online channels.

Meanwhile, being able to promote your content in different channels allows you to boost your website traffic. That’s because those who do not follow you on Instagram can find you on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest. As such, you are receiving referral traffic from various social media websites.

Build a Cohesive Strategy

Aside from ensuring that you make the most of your content, repurposing also allows you to build a cohesive marketing strategy. That’s because it forces you to think in a multi-faceted way.

That’s what happens you try to turn a podcast into a blog post into a social media post.

In addition, it makes your marketing strategy appear connected. That’s because your audience can see that you are talking about one thing, regardless of what platform you use.

As such, your audience deems that you have a clean content action plan.

Target Different Buying Stages

Aside from promoting your content in various channels, content repurposing also enables you to target different buying stages.

For instance, your blog is for driving brand awareness. On the other hand, your email is ideal for existing customers. Your blog post may also be the last nudge a person needs to buy your product or hire your service.

Whenever you are producing content, consider how you can make it all-encompassing.

Expand Audience Reach

As mentioned earlier, those who do not follow you on Instagram can find you elsewhere if you repurpose your content. As such, your audience is not limited to one channel.

Think of it this way: Not everyone has the time to read long-form content. Some prefer eye-catching infographics, while some would rather listen to a podcast while driving a car.

Simply put, content repurposing allows you to provide the same value. And this is regardless of the content format and distribution channel. 

Hence, you allow your target audience to discover and consume your content in their preferred format.

Boost Online Presence and Credibility

Say you see that almost all your friends are using the same brand of shampoo. Wouldn’t you be curious to try that shampoo, too?

The same thing goes with content. If a person sees your content on almost every social media channel, it can spark his curiosity.

This also explains why reputation management service providers, such as SEO Optimizers, bank on content marketing.

The content you produce can help to build and establish your online presence. Meanwhile, content repurposing allows you to keep on creating content without exhausting yourself.

Generate Traction

Imagine this: You spend hours writing a blog post, and you feel proud as you hit the “Publish” button. But since then, you only receive crickets and radio silence.

You feel defeated, right? However, keep in mind that some content does not do well on specific platforms. 

Luckily, content repurposing might be the saving grace you need.

You can take bite-sized information from your blog post and turn it into a social media carousel. You can also stitch these images together to make an infographic.

You might be surprised at how a specific topic can be well-received on Instagram or Facebook.

Who knows? This might be what you need to make your blog post blow up.

Complement SEO Efforts

Lastly, content repurposing allows you to complement your Search Engine Optimization efforts.

For one, promoting your content on different distribution channels allows you to build links. Second, you create more content without the risk of duplicating it.

Lastly, you get to talk about the same topic or niche on different channels. As such, search engine bots can associate your website with relevant keywords.

So, if you have a podcast about Mindfulness practice, it only makes sense that your other content is all about being mindful. When someone googles “Mindfulness,” your website will be part of the search result.

This leads to having a robust and credible online presence.


We believe that content repurposing is an excellent way to have a cohesive marketing strategy. That’s because it eliminates the need to clamor through your laundry list of content ideas.

Transforming a piece of content in another format enables you to share in a different distribution channel. As such, you can expand your audience reach while building your thought leadership.

Lastly, you can use your time providing the same value regardless of what platform you use.

Nick Loggie:
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