3 Tips to Creating Unique Website for Manufacturing Industry

3 Tips to Creating Unique Website for Manufacturing Industry

3 Tips to Creating Unique Website for Manufacturing Industry

As a manufacturer, you have an authoritative voice in your products. You know exactly what they are, how they work, and how they serve the target users. You are the right person to tell everyone about it. You may have marketing campaigns that are increasing your popularity, great distributors, and other marketing tactics. Does your website do a good job of complementing your other efforts? Perhaps you have built a strong brand that talks for itself but without a good website, your efforts may prove futile. You need a professional website that tells your story, engages its users, and converts visitors into clients. Here are a few tips you will find useful in creating a unique manufacturing website.

  1. Best SEO Practices

Search Engine Optimization will rank you highly in search engine results involving keywords related to what you offer. A high rank means more people will find you and see your website. The first SEO practice is having quality content. Fill your website with written content that is grammatically correct, interesting to read, and keyword-rich. Also have videos and images with keyword-rich alt tags.

The site load speeds are important to search engine rankings. Fast load times will also help retain visitors on site. To attain this, use images of small sizes and have reliable servers. Mobile-friendliness is another trait that search engines value. Ensure your website is intuitive and adjusts according to the screen size it is viewed on.

Have inbound links from authority websites that publish articles about you. Ensure that the inbound links land the visitor on the right page. This may be to a catalog, a specific product, or even the home page.

  1. Make Navigation a Breeze

Having a website that is easy to navigate will make visitors want to stay and find out more. Your website should showcase your brand and make it stand out in the mind of visitors. Have your logo and company name located at the very top. It is good to make the logo clickable. A good option is to have it land on the home page.

Keep the website’s look and feel the same in every part. Branding a website is as important as branding the business. Keep logos at the same location, have the same font and interface for all your web pages.

As a manufacturer, you must have a lot of technical content you want to share but do not overdo it. Leave enough whitespace around the content. Organize content into sections that can be easily skimmed and understood.

The navigation items need to be placed where they can easily be found. Having the menu list at the top, contact info at the bottom and the search box at the top right are the mere basics. You can play around with this arrangement to create a unique website but ensure that these navigation items are visible. To keep people engaged, do not have more than seven menu items. Also, avoid overly long dropdown menus as these tend to confuse visitors. In order to attain this and still get people to all parts of your website:

  • Have good internal linkage among your web pages.
  • Have a search box.
  • Use ‘Read More’ links.

Still do not understand what good navigation on a manufacturer’s website looks like? Look at the reputable ISONITE coating services provider’s website. It is easy to navigate, drives the point home, and has numerous ways of connecting the web pages.

  1. Have Compelling Call to Actions

What do you want the website visitors to do? You may want them to buy your products, get more information about your brand, subscribe to a newsletter, etc. Clearly tell the reader what you need. Have buttons that can be easily pressed to perform the intended action. These buttons may say anything you want including: “View catalog”, “Add to cart”, “Contact us”, “Buy now”, “Subscribe”, and so on. Remember that these CTAs should always be accompanied by great content and should not appear as being too salesy.

Share your physical location in prominent parts of your website. Also, try out various designs and carry out research to find out what works for you. Changing the colors and fonts may help identify what works. What is important is consistency in the final design chosen.

If you are a multi-national manufacturer who will be serving various countries, consider the differences. Invest in a good translation service to break the language barrier. As for the catalog type you use, ensure it is supported in all targeted countries.

Final Word

The manufacturing industry tends to concentrate on making and marketing great products forgetting the website. Do not be one of those brands. Stand out of the crowd by creating a great website that will help grow your business. It is that website that puts your products out there. Having a good website will help increase your return on investment multi-fold.

Tags: Web design
Nick Loggie:
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