We Analyzed 752,626 Facebook Ads, and Here’s What We Learned (2018 Update)

We Analyzed 752,626 Facebook Ads, and Here’s What We Learned (2018 Update)

In 2015, we analyzed the text from 37,259 ads from our Facebook ad examples gallery to find out exactly how the best Facebook advertisers are piecing together their ads.

Today — nearly three years later — this has grown more than 20X: we analyzed 752,626 ads !

While some of our original results have remained constant (the most popular headline is still five words long), a lot has changed.

The information will help underpin the creation of even more targeted and valuable ads in 2018.

There is no better time to dig into the details of what makes a Facebook ad successful.

Read on for more insights from this massive data set! If you’re here reading you know: AdEspresso is behind the hard-working fella and against the scaremongerers.

Categories: Digital Marketing
Nick Loggie:
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