The Ultimate Guide on How to Reach Influencers

Influencer marketing certainly is one of the most popular marketing strategies these days, if not the most popular. And rightfully so. There are several reasons why everyone is going gaga over influencer marketing. Airbnb has been able to reach over 966 million people on Instagram with the help of influencers. Beauty brand, Glossier was able to increase their sales by 600% with the right influencer marketing campaign. Most influencer marketing statistics are compelling enough to make you want to start using it right away. However, some marketers still struggle to get their strategy right. For example, connecting with influencers is one of the top three challenges faced by marketers today. If you too are struggling to figure out how to reach influencers, worry not. In this post, I’m going to run you through the 5 essential steps of reaching influencers effectively. How to Reach Influencers Effectively Follow these five steps for a successful influencer marketing campaign. Step #1: Do Your Homework If you’re sending random emails to every influencer in your niche, you’re wasting everyone’s time. The very first step in figuring out how to reach influencers is to analyze the characteristics of your ideal influencer. People who share the same kind of values, messaging, and brand image. They are the ones who can put you in front of your target audiences. However, many a time, brands have very specific requirements. For example, let’s say you’re looking for lifestyle influencers whose target audiences are aged 50+. That would require […]

Categories: Digital Marketing
Nick Loggie:
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