Seven Surefire Strategies To Increase Your Blog Traffic Successfully

Web Traffic Growth

Web Traffic Growth

As per Hubspot, marketers who focus on blogs have 13 times better chances at generating a positive return on investment.  There are almost 31.7 million bloggers in 2020 throughout the USA alone. Tumblr consists of 440 million+ blogs, whereas WordPress houses at least 60 million blogs. 

Now the thing is setting up a blog is not enough for the results that you must be expecting. What if nobody reads your blog? What happens if your blog is visible to the wrong audience who aren’t interested in the information or product you deal with? Your target audience has to read the blog for you to generate more traffic and sales. So, here are the seven proven strategies that bloggers should implement to increase the traffic to their blogs. 

  1. Strengthen your social media presence

All of us have witnessed the chain of good and bad changes throughout 2020. Social media is no exception to this. As the pandemic gained momentum, more and more people registered with different social media platforms to entertain or educate themselves. More than half of the world’s population has started using social media. Three hundred forty-six million new users have opened a social media account within the last 12 minutes.  Thus, it is needless to say the amount of traffic you will be able to attract if you use the right social media platform to promote your blogs. 

The benefits of sharing blogs on social media are:

  • Helps your blogs reach out to a wider set of audience
  • Provides the right information to the target audience that they can use in their daily lives
  • Gives your content more exposure than it would otherwise gain
  • Encourages your followers to share your content furthermore.
  1. Create viral content

Viral content can help you generate at least 2500 visitors on your site every day. All you have to do is activate the viral triggers and lead with persuasion to share your blog on different platforms and sites. Bloggers usually want to create viral content, but most of them fail. You need to pay heed to the sites that successfully create viral posts. The success of viral content is measured on the basis of how far your content gets shared. 

How to create viral content?

  • 8-10 people are more likely to read your content if you write an accurate headline. So, write great headlines to make your blogs go viral.
  • The next step for creating viral content is to get the length of your post right. Viral content should be shareable and shareable content are usually over 1000 words.
  • The final step is to have a killer idea to write your content. The topic of your blog should be relevant to your audience’s interests and passion.
  1. Connect with reputed bloggers in your niche

The web is all about connection and networking. The more you network with the right people, the better it is for bloggers to reach out to a wider set of audience. You should try to connect with reputed bloggers in your niche to increase your influence and online presence. Let’s say you provide homework help to students of all educational levels. So, you need to connect with bloggers who belong to the same academic industry. 

How to identify influential bloggers?

  • Create a list of bloggers from your industry and target the ones that have better engagement rates in terms of social shares, likes and comments.
  • The influential bloggers should be active in an individual community relevant to your nature of business.
  • In case you are a beginner, start with mini influencers who can help you reach out to the right audience. You can gradually reach to the influencers who are masters with time.
  1. Craft evergreen blog posts

According to a Moz case study, evergreen posts are pieces of content that have a continued and sustained success. The best thing about evergreen posts is that you can generate traffic even years after the original publication. There should be at least one publication on the evergreen topics. You can also check out the previous evergreen posts that have enjoyed immense success and are relevant to your nature of business. 

Do’s and don’ts of evergreen content:

  • Don’t craft evergreen content based on the pattern trends.
  • It is better not to simply re-post old content in an attempt to create evergreen posts.
  • Implement the basic industry principles since those are the building blocks of your blog.
  • Repurpose the already published evergreen content to stay relevant in the market.
  1. Develop a robust guest blogging campaign

Guest blogging is not an unfamiliar concept among bloggers. One guest blog can help you generate tons of quality traffic within a short span of time. Guest blogging is especially easier if you have already built a strong relationship with influential bloggers. In that case, you just need to propose a potential topic to the influential bloggers and wait for them to let you write guest blogs for their sites. 

The benefits of guest blogging on a daily basis:

  • Helps you build relationships in your niche with other relevant bloggers
  • Boosts your rankings and spreads brand awareness
  • Authoritative guest posts give you a chance to resonate with your readers in a fresh voice.
  • Encourages you to nurture trust with your target audience
  1. Use the right long-tail keywords

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Most bloggers get stuck while they are in the middle and bottom of the sales funnel. That is when the role of long-tail keywords comes into play. For instance, let’s say the primary keyword for your blog is ‘shoes.’ But, what kind of shoes do you have in the inventory? Are the shoes made up of leather? What about the budget? Your target audience is most likely to be more specific while looking for ‘shoes’ on the Internet. So, you too need to use the right long-tail keywords to cater to the specific requirements of your target audience. 

Why are long-tail keywords great?

  • These disclose the real intent of searchers.
  • The keywords also help you structure the content appropriately so that it solves the searcher’s problems.
  • You get to meet your target audience’s specific needs by bringing the right solutions at their fingertips.
  1. Use content upgrades in existing pieces of content

A content upgrade is adding a bonus content that your target audience can get access to after they have shared signed up with your services or shared their email ID. Content upgrades are the hottest new trend among bloggers planning to expand their reach. The right use of content upgrades can not only grow your email list but also drive significant traffic to your blogs. 

Here’s what you can offer in the bonus part of your content:

  • A set of bonus tips
  • A downloadable PDF version of tutorials and hacks
  • A free product guide
  • A visual guide for your blogs such as an infographic or a map

Wrapping Up, 

Blogging is no easy feat, especially when the number of bloggers is increasing every day. You have to provide blogs that hold some value for your target audience. Use the right topics and share your posts on the right platforms to engage a broader set of the target audience. Blogging, if done appropriately, can not only get new visitors to your web page but also boost the conversion rates for your website. 

Author Bio:

Olaila Lee is a content developer at a reputed firm in the United States. She also provides physics homework help to students at Lee loves to spend time with his daughters whenever she is free. 

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