7 Marketing Tactics to Grow Your Real Estate Business This Year

7 Marketing Tactics to Grow Your Real Estate Business This Year

7 Marketing Tactics to Grow Your Real Estate Business This Year

As the old saying goes, “The more you know, the less you need to carry.” And that is exceptionally true when it comes to marketing. If you are a real estate agent who wants to boost your business this year, there are certain tactics you can employ in order to increase exposure and gain new clients. 

As a real estate professional, you know how difficult it can be to grow your business. There are so many marketing tactics out there and sometimes they contradict each other. That’s where this blog post comes in. In the following paragraphs, I’ll go over some of the most effective ways that will help you get additional leads and close more deals this year. 

Create a blog with posts that are relevant to your target audience

Creating a blog is one of the best ways to stand out in the sea of real estate professionals. What you need to do is write better articles that are both educational and entertaining. Doing so will help you appeal to your target audience, connect with current clients, and attract new leads.

For example, if you specialize in helping people relocate to Seattle or they’re looking to buy a home in the Seattle area, you could write about things like how to find housing that’s affordable but also meets safety standards and what’s considered a drive-able distance (so people know how long they’ll be commuting every day).

Create an online presence on social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn

Nowadays, people are spending more and more time on social media than they do on email. Plus, sites like Facebook give you the opportunity to reach out to your target audience–meaning that if someone has “liked” one of your posts or followed you on Instagram, it’s because they’re interested in what you have to say.

You can use social media for things like posting a sneak preview of a new listing or sharing an article from your blog. You could also use it to announce industry news or upcoming events.

Update your website to reflect the latest design trends and be user-friendly

You may be the best real estate agent in town, but if your website looks outdated and is hard to navigate, you’re not going to attract many potential buyers. Your website should look great on any device–a mobile phone or tablet or a desktop computer so that people can access it easily whenever they want. It should also be user-friendly and contain everything a buyer would be looking for in order to make an informed decision.

Here’s what you should have on your website: real estate listings, your company bio, testimonials from past clients, contact information, etc. You should also create video content and utilize live chat features to give visitors a taste of what it’s like working with you. That way, people get a better understanding of the kind of professional you are and they’re more likely to contact you for help in their search.

Send email newsletters with useful information on a regular basis

When people opt-in to receive your email newsletters, they’re essentially letting you market to them. That means that you can send a newsletter with useful information and tips on a regular basis–say every other week or once a month. They’ll appreciate the fact that you keep them updated on what’s going on in real estate and how they can benefit from your expertise, while you’ll benefit from an increase in traffic to your website.

Here are some things you could include in a newsletter: a list of homes recently sold, a new listing on the market, advice on buying and selling homes, industry news, etc. You should also run competitions or offer special deals through newsletters because there’s a good chance that people will forward your newsletter to their friends and family members or share it on social media.

Host a local event, like a community meeting or an open house

While you may be able to reach people online, there’s nothing quite like in-person interactions. That’s why you should consider hosting an open house–it gives your potential buyers the chance to meet you in person and it gives your clients the opportunity to meet potential clients.

For example, you could host an open house event or a community meeting where locals who work in similar industries (like real estate agents and mortgage brokers) can network with one another. That way they’re more likely to share your business card and recommend you to their friends and

Find ways to integrate technology into daily operations for maximum efficiency (i.e., using CRMs)

Technology has changed the way people do business, and as a result, you need to adopt those changes too if you want to be successful. One of those changes is using a CRM to keep track of your leads and clients because it will allow you to see where you’re at in terms of sales, identify who’s been inactive for a while, and identify potential new clients.

Having a CRM does more than just help you track your sales though–it also helps you stay organized so that you can elevate your brand and attract new people because it gives them the chance to see what makes your company different through things like automated email newsletters and social media posts.

Build relationships with other real estate agents and brokers

When it comes to finding new clients, you shouldn’t just rely on yourself–you should also rely on your network. That’s why you should reach out to other real estate agents and brokers in the area. You may have similar specialties or work with a lot of the same clients, so why not team up?

It’s not just about sharing business cards, though–you should reach out to other professionals in the area and try to form mutually beneficial relationships. For example, you could team up with another real estate agent in the community to offer free home-buying seminars or offer discounts for referrals. When it comes to implementing marketing tactics, having a network is a key to your success.

This is the point of the year when real estate agents are working hard to grow their businesses. From leveraging social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn to creating a blog that generates leads for your real estate business, there are a bunch of opportunities available if you know where to look. The seven we’ve covered today should be more than enough to get you started on the right track this year.

Have any other ideas on how to market your real estate company this year? Leave us a comment below with what works best for you or leave an article suggestion in our contact form. We would love to hear from you.

Nick Loggie:
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