4 steps law firms should take to improve their digital marketing

4 steps law firms should take to improve their digital marketing

Clients rarely search for legal services before they need them, and by the time they reach that stage, your firm will be competing with everyone else for the active buyers.

The thing is, active buyers make up just 3% of a market, so the most effective digital marketing strategy is to target the other 97% to nudge them into buying mode. That way, your firm is at the forefront of their mind when their hour of need arrives.

Doing this requires a deep understanding of your customer, and that’s where a lot of law firms fall short.

The legal profession has a tendency to employ “selfish” marketing tactics, focusing on talking about the company (“We have 35 years of litigation experience”), its achievements (“Here are all my degrees”) and what it can do, instead of addressing its potential clients’ needs. Does your marketing talk about yourself or your firm more than it talks about the prospect and their hopes and dreams, pains and fears? Whenever you’re helping anybody do anything, it’s about acknowledging the current state they’re in, and the desired state of where they want to be.

The 80-20 rule applies here: 80% focused on your prospect and 20% on how you can help. So, what can you do to increase your potential market? Create an ‘ideal client’ profile Law is a broad umbrella, so the first thing you should do is figure out which of your services gives you 80% of your revenue and then create a marketing persona.

Categories: Digital Marketing
Nick Loggie:
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