Why is cybersecurity so important for ERP Software?

Why is cybersecurity so important for ERP Software?

Why is cybersecurity so important for ERP Software?

ERP Security (Enterprise Resource Planning), is the practice of taking security measures to protect your ERP systems from intruders. Although ERP systems can make your life easier as they connect all of your systems and departments, hackers are more interested in them.

An ERP system allows you to combine all your administrative resources within one application. This includes Human Resources and Supply Chain Management. ERP systems simplify our lives by centralizing our data and allowing us to better manage our business processes.

External threats are more likely to be encountered if you have all your eggs in the same basket when it comes to critical business data. A recent study found that cyberattacks are more likely to target ERP systems. This means that your organization is more vulnerable. Hackers can gain access to all of the company’s most valuable assets, including those belonging to different departments, if they compromise even one part of the system.

Because of the sensitive and exposed data in an organization, ERP Security is a vital countermeasure.

The digital age is murky, and technology has greatly improved the way we manage our businesses. Cyber-attacks are becoming more common and should not be taken lightly. No matter how small or large your business is, you have sensitive data that you don’t want to be exposed to. Therefore, it is important to take proper security precautions.

ERP systems are the heartbeat of any business enterprise. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning application) is process management software that allows a company to use integrated applications for back-office functions such as human resources, tech, and services management. It is a central database that supports multiple tasks in different business units.

Hackers could cause a lot of problems in your ERP software. They also include pricing, billing, hosting, and credit cards. Personal information about employees, customers, suppliers, and critical intellectual property is also included.

It’s easy to see why hackers, cybercriminals, and nation-state actors can’t look away from this fat calf. ERP systems are crucial for business operations. Each attack is different. For example, nation-state actors use their attacks to spy on organizations, and most hackers do ransomware to gain financial benefits.

To ensure that ERP software in India is protected against hackers, any business must have strict cybersecurity measures. Cybercriminals are getting smarter, and if they manage to get into our ERP system, it is not as secure as we thought. We need to be ready to detect and handle the situation. To prevent ERP attacks, every employee must be taught safe techniques.

Cyberattacks on ERP Systems: Tips for protecting your ERP Systems

It is crucial to implement ERP security solutions and integrate them with other security operations to keep your ERP secure and protected.

You can stay one step ahead of potential threats by being informed and keeping current on community issues. Cybersecurity threats change quickly. Your organization must ensure that everyone in your ERP Systems, from top executives to daily users, is aware of best practices to minimize the risk of cybersecurity threats.

Your employees should be trained

Cyberattacks are most often caused by human weakness. Cybercriminals use social engineering techniques to exploit human weakness and trick people into falling for their schemes. Even if you had the best security measures on the planet, all would be in vain if your employees weren’t educated about safe ways to avoid any cyber-attacks.

Employees need to be educated about the importance and benefits of strong passwords. Employees should be aware that easy passwords such as birthdays or places of birth can be used in hackers’ minds. They should use long passwords with multiple characters and not just one. They should be aware of the dangers associated with opening spam emails and clicking on unsolicited links that could lead to phishing.

Quickly Apply Vendor Security patches

It is equally important to update your antivirus and anti-malware software regularly. This will ensure that security patches are applied as soon as possible. Hackers can gain entry to vulnerable areas if patches aren’t applied.

Always keep your software up-to-date

Oracle, SAP are ERP software providers that provide regular updates, patches, and fixes to their clients. Most companies release a new version of their software and also disclose all vulnerabilities in the previous version. Hackers are always on the lookout for vulnerabilities that are made public. They know that organizations often delay updating to run internal tests.

Installing new updates to ERP software should be done quickly and improve the software. Also, make sure that your firewalls, anti-malware, and antivirus software are up-to-date to seal any weak points. Dridex, a well-known malware, has updated its software to steal login credentials from SAP ERP software. 

Strong and Safe Password Hygiene

It is vital to ensure employees are trained and practice safe password hygiene.

An example of this is phishing attacks, which can be used to trace breaches back to internal compromises. A company can prevent superusers from compromising by training employees and requiring two-step verification.

Employ an ERP professional as a resident

You must hire an ERP security professional to protect your ERP software from cyberattacks. They will monitor your software 24/7 and make sure it remains safe. This professional can set up administrative controls that are foolproof and encrypted for telecommuting employees.

SSL Certificate and ERP Systems

Your business website is a reflection of the nature and purpose of your company. You must also take the necessary steps to make sure your website is attractive to all potential customers. A cheap SSL Certificate from SSL2BUY is one of the best ways to keep your website secure. This vendor offers all types of SSL certificates, including single-domain, multi-domain, EV SSL, and others.

Your ERP software is like a magnificent building. An SSL certificate is essential to ensure that the entire structure is secure. SSL can encrypt all data coming from and to your website. This protects sensitive data from being lost.

Keep everyone in the loop

To ensure that everyone is kept informed and up-to-date, it’s important to keep everyone updated. Protect sensitive data from being stolen by intruders by being precise and strict.


ERP vendors may offer ongoing support and maintenance, but it is best to hire an independent ERP consultant for cybercrime prevention. They will understand the importance of planning for contingencies and creating a solid IT strategy.

Author Bio

Akshay is a Software Analyst at Techimply, India. With experience in the technology-driven field, he has mastered his knowledge on How(s) and What(s) to be done for a business. Also, he’s keen to share his knowledge on a few technology-related topics such as cloud technologies, ERP, CRM, POS Software, and data security with readers that can assist any kind of business.

Tags: ERP security
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