What Digital Marketers Can Learn From Their Analytics Data

What Digital Marketers Can Learn From Their Analytics Data

If you’re not measuring it, it doesn’t matter. And you’re doing any sort of digital marketing, including content marketing, you’d better be measuring how well that marketing is working.

Your analytics data can, of course, tell you a great deal about the health of your digital marketing activity. But only if you’re reading it regularly. Here are some things to look for.

The basic raw numbers of your analytics data aren’t likely to deliver epiphanies by the truckload. Yes, your page views, session length, open rates and CTRs are all important, but they aren’t necessarily going to give you much actionable intelligence. This is especially true if you’re looking at the information as a snapshot. You’re far more likely to gain insights by watching these fundamental data points over time. That’s how you’ll see patterns develop that can lead you toward amplifying the digital marketing you’re doing well, and improving (or perhaps sidelining) areas where performance is lacking.

From those basic indicators, you’ll want to look a little deeper. For example, rather than simply looking at aggregate data for pages per session on your website, look at that same metric broken down by traffic source. If you can identify a source from which you are seeing greater engagement (based on the number of pages viewed per session, in this example), you can increase the efforts you make to attract traffic via that source.

Categories: Digital Marketing
Nick Loggie:
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