Use SEO to Obtain First Page Ranking Traffic for Your Websites

Using SEO to Obtain First Page Rankings

Using SEO to Obtain First Page Rankings

The measure of success for an online business site is where it ranks on search engines. Part of page rankings is web design and security. However, Google expects a website to display fresh content. Most know that blogs are a simple way to keep content fresh, but it is time-consuming. Therefore, you want to make sure that every post made brings the traffic you expect. These are only a few of the best ways to optimize the content on your site for SEO purposes. For a more in depth look at SEO needs, check out this Dallas SEO Guide.

Writing in SEO

Thankfully, Google is not shy about what their algorithms require from web content. Content creators worked together to discover a language that works with Google’s demands. Search Engine Optimization or SEO uses rules and keywords to let spiders know it is worthy of top responses to a search. It covers combining a dozen elements, with a few key aspects we will cover today.

Take Advantage of Small Texts

Every word counts when you are working with SEO, which means you need to take full advantage of even the smallest text options.

  • Headings
  • Snippets
  • Meta Descriptions
  • Alt Text on Images

Your title and headers assist with keywords but also tell your viewers what to expect from the text. Google spiders (the bots that run the algorithms) look for your designated keyword in headers and snippets first. These are two areas to monopolize space. They work the same way you do when looking for a book to read. You want a title and synopsis to catch your attention.

Meta descriptions and alt text are two areas many people forget about. Thankfully, WordPress helps writers remember by pointing out where to add them. Search engines put a lot of weight into the alt text on images because that is what is displayed while your picture is loading. Finally, spiders do not see images, so the text ensures it catches the keywords. 

Keep Keywords Effective

Keywords have changed a lot over the years. It used to be best to have one or two words that you would place a specific number of times based on the number of words in your post. This leads to a lot of posts sounding foreign and stuffed. Google realized this was not what people wanted, so the algorithm changed. Now, spiders look for phrases that people generally type into the search bar. They also penalize webpages that do not naturally use those words throughout the post. Software is available to help content creators determine what keywords are trending in specific niches, and Google analytics keeps track of how people are coming to your site.

Links are Important

While it seems counterproductive to add links into your posts that take people away from your site, but it is desired by search engines. It is not wise to send a person to your competitor. However, using influential and trust-worthy webpages that back-up your claims help. Search engines also take this as a sign that you are a real person who has done their research. Linking to other posts on your blog or pages that offer complementary information is also good. Finally, links should feel natural in the post.

Interact with Viewers

Readers seem to prefer longer posts with a conversational tone, but you also want them to interact with you. Remember when people use search engines, they generally are asking a question. When you are researching your post, use software to determine what people are wanting to be answered. You can also create posts based on commonly asked questions that potential customers have when they contact you.

Nick Loggie:
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