The Definitive Guide to Marketing Analytics

The Definitive Guide to Marketing Analytics

In many ways, marketing is an art. Finding that special combination of factors that not only cuts through the clutter to reach out to your audience, but also entices them in, and wins their loyalty, is something that is hard to distil into theory. It’s like how a book on how to play the guitar isn’t going to turn you into Jimi Hendrix. But for all the creativity involved in marketing, you can’t get away from the hard science that has to underpin any successful marketing practice. Put simply, unless you can analyse how effective your marketing strategy is, you won’t get very far. In learning how to effectively measure marketing metrics, there’s a lot of smoke and mirrors; marketing consultants want to make their business seem very complex and A Lot Of Hard Work. But, in reality, marketing analytics is only as complicated as you need it to be. In this guide we’ll offer straightforward insights on the key metrics to measure, take a look at some of the best tools you can use to track them, and demystify some of the terminology used in the industry. At all points we’re focussed on practical tips that you can apply right away, but we’ll also add in some more “advanced” techniques so this guide will continue to provide value in the months (and years) to come. A note on how to use this guide We don’t expect you to put every technique into practice at once, and not all […]

Categories: Digital Marketing
Nick Loggie:
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