How to Use Event Speakers As Part of Your Marketing Plan

How to Use Event Speakers As Part of Your Marketing Plan

How to Use Event Speakers As Part of Your Marketing Plan

Marketing a new product or service can be much easier with a public event that you can share as more than just a launch. For example, you can create an event to celebrate your team’s new patent, hold an open house for your current clients, or host a learning event for potential clients.

The Purpose of a Speaker

You may be tempted to try to bring in an expert in your field, or a professional with a lot of technical knowledge about your new offering. You may even be tempted to feature one of your employees for this critical event.

However, your speaker doesn’t need to be an expert in your industry. You may get a more engaging presentation from someone who has a strong sidewalk understanding of your industry, as provided by you, who can engage with the crowd and get people-focused. You will want a presenter who has more detailed knowledge at some point during the event. However, hiring a professional or celebrity speaker is about energy, not data.

Focus on Growth

Recent world events have many business owners struggling to grow in new directions. Uncertainty in the future can make it hard to find new clients or sell more goods and services to your existing clients. Bringing in event speakers as a way to build confidence in your products and offerings is a wonderful way to let potential clients know that your business is growing.

Your speaker may be simply for inspiration, or you may want a targeted speech about future expansion in your industry. A good speaker will be able to entertain and engage a crowd before your team can get started presenting information to small groups. A skilled speaker and presenter can also offer guidance on the best way to provide data in other formats.

For example, if you’re offering new information on an existing product line or are launching an entirely new product, you may want large graphics displayed before the event and flyers handed to attendees after the speaker is done. Focus on what you want attendees to take from each session of the day, then arrange your presentation accordingly.

Create a Team

Business owners are community-minded folks. If you’ve got a speaker lined up for the morning, consider also offering the chance to build teams for causes among attendees. These teams can be as simple as setting up a fundraising booth, planning an adventure in the near future, or allowing potential clients the chance to book private conversations with experts among your employees for additional conversation.

Offer Virtual Options

Creating a global reach with your business is critical to growth. Make sure your speaker has strong virtual presentation skills as well as in-person skills. Allow virtual viewers the chance to

  • check-in and be greeted
  • ask questions anonymously
  • ask questions directly
  • easily reach out to your employees individually

Many folks have found that working from home and avoiding large gatherings not only works better for their family needs but also works well for their personality type. You may be someone who is not excited by the chance to meet up in large groups. Give clients and potential clients who aren’t energized by crowds the chance to participate fully in your event.

Make Time for Fun

Once the speaker has folks engaged and excited, make sure you allow breaks for fun. Let folks stretch, provide multiple “bio-breaks”, and avoid overloading the schedule. Keep your roster content low and make sure that the employees you have participating in this event are visible, engaged, and available for questions.

Keep folks cheerful, safe, and engaged with stations that offer

  • water, both bottled and hot
  • coffee, tea, creamer, and sweetener
  • snacks, napkins, and small trash receptacles
  • hand sanitizers and gloves as necessary

Lining these areas out properly will take some time. Map the space to make sure that your beverage and snack stations are not creating bottlenecks. Along the paths between these stations, make sure you have highly visible graphics of your presentation. Finally, make sure that you follow up with your attendees to gain feedback. You may want to survey attendants to see what worked, what didn’t, and what can you add to your recording of the speech for future marking promos.

Nick Loggie:
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