How to Protect Your Employees from Social Engineering Attacks

Protect Your Employees from Social Engineering Attacks

Protect Your Employees from Social Engineering Attacks

Social engineering attacks are among the most common when it comes to cybersecurity. What makes them dangerous is the fact that they’re difficult to counteract and can cause massive damage. Depending on the person targeted, attackers can get information on your employees, your clients, or even banking information. This is why training and preparing for these attacks is essential for any organization. Here’s how you can protect your employees from social engineering attacks.

Understand the Different Types of Attacks

When people think about social engineering, they often think of phishing. Phishing is when a person tries to get important information from an individual by making themselves pass for someone with authority. While this is one of the most common methods being used and your team has to be prepared for it, social engineering can take other forms.

Another common social engineering method is baiting. This is when an incentive is given to the person in order to perform the desired action. It might be a link to a digital download, for instance. In other cases, the engineer will try to leave an enticing flash drive in the open. It could be marked with something like “Executive Salary Summary Q4 2020”, for instance. Once the person pops that into the computer, the malicious software will automatically be installed.

This is why you need to prepare for more than the most common attacks and consider bringing some experts in. An outsourced IT team like Iconic IT could help safeguard your systems but also offer consulting so you can identify gaps and train your employees better. Training will be your number one line of defense here.

Watch Out for Tailgating

Another very common social engineering method is tailgating. This is when someone follows someone else or uses them to access areas or systems that they shouldn’t be allowed in. This could be someone asking someone else to hold the door open for them because they forgot their card, or they might ask to use a private laptop for a few minutes because theirs ran out of battery. You will have to make sure that you have clear guidelines for these situations and be able to detect when someone shouldn’t be in restricted areas. 

Layers Cybersecurity Solutions

In addition to training, having as many security layers as possible will give you added protection. You need a solid antivirus in case an attack is launched so you can limit the damage caused. You need to monitor activity on your networks at all times. This is an area where an outsourced service could also help. You need a network firewall as well and make sure that you practice sound password and patch management to make sure that your programs are always up to date.

As you can see, protecting your employees from social engineering attacks is vital for the smooth running of your business. Make sure you invest in the right training and see if outsourcing some of your IT needs is right for you.

Categories: Digital Marketing
Nick Loggie:
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