How To Choose The Right Search Engine Position Tracker

How To Choose The Right Search Engine Position Tracker

How To Choose The Right Search Engine Position Tracker

Your website’s ranking on search engines like Google is a big deal, especially if you’re running an eCommerce business. There are many factors that can contribute to your ranking on search engine results, and much of the work would involve creating engaging content that is optimized with the right keywords. 

Internet users type in varying terms on search engines if they are looking for a specific service or product. For example, if you own a clothing brand online, shoppers won’t necessarily be typing your brand name right away (unless they are familiar with it). What they’ll be looking for online would be “clothes for sale” or “online clothes sale.” 

Knowing which terms are mostly used by your target market is important because this is how you can further optimize your website and improve its ranking on search engines. A search engine position tracker is a very useful tool in tracking every keyword that sends visitors to your website. But how do you choose the right search engine position tracker for you? This article will answer this common search engine performance question below.

Take Advantage Of Free Trial Offers

One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to determine the right search engine position tracker for you is to take advantage of free trial offers. Providers usually offer one week up to a month of free trial to give potential clients a chance to test the effectiveness and suitability of the tool to their business needs.

Just be mindful of the automatic renewal after the free trial period to ensure that the card you entered upon registration won’t be charged automatically after the trial period. During the free trial, you can test the following to find out if the search engine position tracker is right for you:

  • Search Analytics Features
  • Speed and Reliability
  • Type of Reports or Results That May Be Generated

Check The Plan Offers

Search engine position tracking providers offer different plans or packages. Of course, the type of package you choose will depend on the size of your website and desired customer reach.

Here are the important things you need to check when choosing the right plan for you:

  • Number of Keyword Tracking
  • Number of Accounts Allowed to Track
  • Number of Web Pages and Websites Allowed to Track

Check The Search Analytics Features

As mentioned, it’s important to check the features from the start to gauge your search engine ranking better. You must have a deeper understanding of the best features you can get from the search engine position tracker. This could include the following:

  • SEO Split Testing Tool: This feature enables you to test different strategies and changes to on-page elements such as web page titles and meta descriptions. In this way, you can measure their effect on your traffic and conversions.
  • Unlimited Rank Checking: With this feature, you can check your rank as many times as you want.
  • Keyword Performance Reports: This feature allows you to better understand the terms that drive your search ranking for maximum keyword optimization. It pulls your website’s top keywords from major search engine analytics so you can quickly and easily filter and segment data.
  • Long-Tail Keyword Opportunities Tool: Long-tail keywords refer to longer keywords often used in voice search and when a site visitor is closer to the point of purchase. So, having a feature that can track long-tail keywords allows you to earn more clicks from existing content.
  • Keyword Cannibalization Tool: Keyword cannibalization generally happens when multiple web pages of a website target the same keyword and confuses web crawlers in the process. It means that multiple web pages in your website compete for the same terms. Using this tool, you can discover overlaps in your search engine ranking.

Check The NLP Topic Research And Content Analysis Features

Natural language processing or NLP refers to how computers and software programs communicate, mimicking human intelligence. It’s a perfect collaboration and combination of data science, artificial intelligence, and linguistics. 

When choosing the right search engine position tracking tool, it’s imperative to find out if it has NLP topic research and content analysis features, such as the following:

  • Topic Research Tool: If you want to know the most profitable keywords to use to improve your rank in search engines, it’s important to find a topic research tool in your tracker. This feature will provide you thousands of new terms with monthly search volume and cost per click data in different languages.
  • Content Analyzer Tool: This feature shows you the most important topics in your content, so you can analyze and optimize it aligned with keywords and topic suggestions.
  • Keyword Clustering: You can use this tool to quickly check the keywords each group represents including the total potential query search volume your web page might rank for. In this way, you can easily create an outline for your blog articles.


The best search engine position tracker tool can provide more than performance results via reports. The right tool enables you to discover strengths and opportunities so you can improve your content and SEO efforts according to objective data. Choosing the right tool will ensure that your efforts won’t be put to waste, and help your business gain higher revenues.  

Nick Loggie:
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