Excite New Customers About Your Business

Excite New Customers About Your Business

Excite New Customers About Your Business

When it comes to running a business, getting your services and products to the right customers can be a big task. You need to know who your product serves best and why they would want to spend their money on obtaining it. That can be a big job, especially if you have lots of competitors out there with similar products.

The good news is you can find your edge with a little innovative thinking. Customers will come back if you make a great lasting impression, and the key to having your product picked above your competitors comes down to how excited you can get your customers to feel about what your business offers.

Luckily there are a few tips to help your company be on its way to success.

Hosting Giveaways

When it comes to sales prospecting, don’t just leave your business card and walk away. Scouting out potential clients may be easier than you think. With the world’s ever-growing technology, there is an endless amount of ways you can reach people all over the world, especially with social media. One thing most people love and get excited about is a good old-fashioned giveaway. 

If you’re wondering how to go about this, hosting your giveaway should require a little more effort than setting up a gift card and posting it to your page. Setting up your giveaway is where creative thinking comes in. You’ll want to think about the type of products your company offers and who your specific audience should be. Once you do that, list a couple of your services/products for free with something extra, like a gift card, thrown in. You’ll then want to do some ad targeting and run an ad that looks for the customers your trying to draw in.

These types of giveaways are great fun, especially if you’re showcasing your ad to the right people. It creates a way for your services and products to be tested out and drums up excitement with the free products and gift cards. If you’re feeling intimidated by starting this process on social media, take a deep breath and choose one platform you enjoy the best. Then do a little research on ad targeting. You’ll find out that it’s simpler than you think, and before you know it, you’ll have an audience coming to you for your giveaway.

Lasting Impressions

You can have the best products and services out there, but if your customer service is less than desirable, then your customers won’t want to stay. Drawing in customers with new events and ad targeting will get people to the door, but keeping them and especially getting a purchase from them, is going to depend on how your customers are treated.

People want to know they are valued. Make it a priority for your employees to offer excellent service. Whether it’s someone answering the phone, assisting people at the desk, or visiting a prospect, you want to create genuine and kind service. 

Why is this so important? If you have issues with your customer service then your clients will feel unheard, unvalued, and unhappy. Why would someone want to spend their hard-earned money on a service if they are being treated poorly? However, if you make your customers feel like gold, you’ll not only land a sale but a fan. Fans come back over and over again, making your job a lot easier.

Being Authentic

These days, seeing the business employees and higher-ups as real people who have real connections with their customers is an essential part of connection and making a lasting impression. You can show glimpses of how you formed your company and behind-the-scenes processes on your business page. Let people have a sneak peek at what things are like when operating the business and be fun. This will allow your customers to see you like real people and relate to your business on an authentic level.

Sales prospecting can be a daunting task, but your business can make the process a seamless one. With a little attention on giveaways for your customers, treating people with value, and being authentic, your company will find itself on a successful road that only leads up.

Tags: Marketing
Nick Loggie:
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