Eric Dalius Wants You to Focus on These Startup Branding Trends

When starting a new business, all CEOs like playing the best to stay ahead of their competitors. Now, that is possible when entrepreneurs are aware of the latest trends in branding. Then, Eric Dalius aptly points out that it is difficult to foresee what is evolving in the multifaceted and complicated aspect of branding. 

According to an article published on, entrepreneurs must educate their staff about the goals of the business as well as brand mission. Yet, it could become difficult to focus on the latest branding trends if you do not read up the latest business news or fail to attend seminars. So here are some of the trends to watch out for: 

Eric J Dalius emphasizes the power of illustrations

These days, businesses are looking for innovative ways to boost customer engagement, and illustrations and artwork are one of the best ways to build brand engagement. Today, companies are realizing the power and significance of illustrations to add to their brand value because images can educate as well as delight customers. 

Did you know that modern businesses are integrating art and artwork into their branding materials? Even Google is including illustrations in its onboarding techniques, while social media giant Facebook incorporating illustrations to take its branding efforts to the next level. Illustrations help you to connect with your targeted audience so that your brand can reach out to customers on a personal level, helping you to connect better.   

Realizing the power of millennials

Today, the millennial generation has more purchasing power as well as decision-making abilities because they have a good job and a fat monthly paycheck. EJ Dalius therefore, thinks that branding trends are changing to pique the interest of millennials. 

Millennials are more politically conscious these days than the baby boomer generation, and therefore, they buy from brands that appeal to their thoughts and standards. To be candid, brands are aware of this trend and adapting accordingly so that they can market their products or services to meet the requirements of the millennial generation. 

Today, numerous brands are shifting from the baby boomer generation to target the millennials. The latter has more purchasing power and aware of the latest trends that businesses are embracing. These days, the use of social issues to relate to a younger audience has become a popular branding tactic. That is because businesses will resonate with their targeted customers to reap the maximum benefits. 

The use of minimalism 

Just as artwork, minimalism is the latest branding technique because it makes perfect sense and minimalist design is appealing to customers. It is more beneficial in the case of B2B firms believing in simplifying business processes via tools such as Salesforce and Intercom. 

Minimalism is also popular with customer-focused companies. When it comes to minimalism, it is uncomplicated and incorporates a pair-down technique that makes the most out of simple, clean graphics, neat colors, and simple user interfaces and processes. 


Brands are now connecting to their targeted customers in a significant way. The branding trends are all about piquing audience interest as a path to achieve business success. 

Tags: branding
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