Email Marketing Best Practices to Improve Campaign Conversion Rate

Are you someone who believes that Email Marketing is Dead? 

If you have started believing that, you need to know this: Email Marketing is still the most used form of a communication channel. 

According to McKinsey and Company, Email Marketing is 40 times more effective in reaching the audience than any other Social Media platform. 

According to Statista, the number of email users worldwide is projected to increase to 4.48 billion in 2024. 

Despite these facts, the conversion rate of email marketing for some companies is quite ineffective since they don’t play smart enough. For a company to ensure that their conversion rate is high, they need to make the most out of their email campaign. Therefore it is essential to play smart to make every email count. 

In this blog, we are going to learn some of the best practices for boosting the conversion rate for your Email Campaigns. Before getting into the best practices, let us understand what Email Campaigns are. 

What are Email Marketing Campaigns?

Email Marketing Campaigns are a series of emails sent out to potential and existing clients to communicate with them. These campaigns aim for the audience to take a specific action based on the purpose of the campaign. For example, sending out a series of informational content regarding a product to make him want to buy the product. 

Some of the examples of Email Campaigns are Welcome Emails, Upselling Emails, Holiday Emails, etc. 

These efforts bring out the best of the results when aimed with a better delivery plan. There are a lot of factors that affect the success rate of the campaigns.

Let us dive into the best practices for your Email Marketing Campaigns. 

Best Practices for Email Marketing Campaigns

1. Maintain a Clean Opt-In List

You don’t want to be wasting your time and efforts on someone who is not interested in your company or your products in any way, right?

Therefore, it is a great way to go for a ‘double opt-in’ list of subscribers, who are genuinely interested in receiving services or products from you. 

Double opt-in is a means for your subscribers to sign up for your emails through a signup or a subscription form, where they confirm they want to receive emails from you. This way, you have a higher possibility of conversions. 

You must legally have a clear ‘Unsubscribe link’ to your emails for disinterested subscribers to opt-out easily at any stage of your campaign. 

It is a great way to make sure your emails communicate with the people who want to listen to you. 

Did you know?

According to latest email marketing trends, segmented email campaigns have the potential to increase the revenue by as much as 760%. 

2. Segment Your Mailing List Based on Subscriber’s Preferences

Have you heard the phrase ‘The money lies in the list?’

Well, it is true. 

Image Source: PeppyBiz

Your Email Marketing journey starts with the list

You have to get the list of subscribers you are planning to send the campaign right from the beginning As no one in this busy world wants to read something they have not subscribed to or what does not interest them. 

Each subscriber has a different need, choice, and thereby a different behavior towards an email they receive from you. 

That’s why each subscriber has an option of setting their preferences for the kind of emails they want to receive. 

A lot of times, some companies educate their subscribers to set their preferences of emails as per their needs and wants in their ‘Welcome Emails’. It is a great way to maintain those subscribers with you for long in your journey.  

Therefore, you need to make sure that you send out your email campaigns to the audience that has subscribed to you for the Campaign that you are sending out to them. 

As a smart marketer, you can take advantage of marketing automation to find out which list is the best suited for which campaign. 

3. Choose the best time for your Email Journey.

Image Source: PeppyBiz

Timing is everything. 

Even if you have a well-curated email series that you know is going to rock for your subscribers, it would not give you any results if you mess up with the timings of sending out your emails.

Each and every email should be sent to your subscriber analyzing his behavior or common knowledge. Some of the examples of ‘good timings’ are as follows: 

  • Send a Welcome Email as and when the subscriber is onboard with you
  • Weekends can be great days to send out promotional emails as everyone prefers to have a laid back weekend where they can go through their emails
  • Sending out Suggested picks for your customers just when they bought something from you to complement/ enhance the effectiveness of the current purchase

4. Personalize the Emails you plan to send

Does hearing your name in a conversation instantly grab your attention?

Why not do the same in the Emails you are sending out to grab their attention?

Make your emails look like they are tailor-made for your audience. 

Personalization results in higher open rates and click-through rates and thereby have a higher probability of generating a conversion for your campaigns.

Some of the ways your Emails can be personalized are as follows:

  • Adding the recipient’s name in the email subject line can attract a huge amount of attention and increases open rates by a huge percentage.
  • Alter the ‘From’ section of your email by adding the name of the representative dealing instead of the company name to make your subscriber feel like he has received a tailor-made email from the account manager.
  • Using appreciation in emails is the way to soften and build trust. You can create a positive image of yourself through your email. Don’t just mention that you’re impressed by them, point out ‘Why’ you’re impressed.
  • Product recommendations based on your consumer’s purchase history is another great means to show your subscribers that their purchase matters to you. Showing the right items based on their choice at the right time can be the way to go for you!

5. Follow Up through Emails

Image Source: PeppyBiz

Humans tend to respond to someone showing concern. 

Ask your subscribers how they are doing or if you have an eCommerce store selling products, an effective email would be to follow up with them based on their earlier favorite picks that never made it to the cart. 

Send them Abandoned Cart Emails and remind them of how they liked that product earlier and even provide them with a specific promotional offer.

 Tell them you care, and they’ll care for you back. 

6. Let your Subscribers choose the frequency of emails they want to receive

Just because they have subscribed to you does not necessarily mean you choose the frequency of emails you want to send out. 

Give them the option! Always make sure that your users are not overwhelmed by the consistency of your emails. Give your subscribers to see what frequency of emails suit them, and give them the option in the footer to change it according to their preference later as well. 

This ensures that your journey with the subscriber is long and thereby increases the probability of conversion. 

7. A/B Test your Email Marketing Campaign

A/B Testing your email campaign is a great way to enhance the effectiveness of your email marketing campaign. 

Wondering what A/B Testing is?

A/B testing is the process to check the effectiveness of your email marketing campaign by sending your email marketing campaign with slight changes such as subject lines or CTA’s to a subset of the subscriber’s list to find out which campaign works better. 

Based on the results,  you further send the more effective campaign to the rest of the subscriber’s list.  

A/B Testing your Email Campaigns before sending out is a great way to decide whether or not your email is engaging enough, without even sending it out to the entire list. It immensely affects your open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates overall. 


To go long in your Email marketing game, you must nurture your leads in the best way possible. Always draft emails circling the needs of your subscribers.   

It’s on you how much value you can provide to your readers and delight them. 

With some of these great practices in mind, go ahead and send great emails.  

After all, these long way subscribers support you throughout the success of your brand. 

Author Bio:

Sara Williams
Sara is a Content Writer at PeppyBiz. She is not only a creative writer but also paints a beautiful canvas. She makes sure that you are left with no doubt about keeping up with marketing and sales.
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