8 Tried-and-Tested UI Design Tricks to Effectively Boost Conversions

Tried-and-Tested UI Design Tricks to Effectively Boost Conversions

Tried-and-Tested UI Design Tricks to Effectively Boost Conversions

User Interface design refers to building digital interfaces that focus on visual appeal. What’s excellent about UI design is that it helps make your website look appealing. So much so that the design can compel your site visitors to convert.

Here are eight tried-and-tested UI design tricks that can help boost conversions.

Know your audience

According to Michelle Dipp, a notable multidisciplinary designer from Germany, all good UI design boils down to the designer’s understanding of the audience.

This concept shows that knowing your audience is something that will help you grow your business. Therefore, when integrating any UI design, you should think about your audience first.

Sometimes, UI designers might be interested in incorporating specific design elements. That’s because they’ve seen them work for others or purely because of interest. However, this can be a waste of effort and time if you don’t think about how your target audience would feel about it first.

After all, the goal of your design is to enhance your audience’s experience.

To prevent yourself from getting carried away, make sure that you ask yourself whether what you want to incorporate is what your audience would like from you or not. Will it enhance the users’ experience on the site? Otherwise, it’s best to get back on the drawing board.

Keep it simple

Gone are the days when a cluttered design filled with every design element that you fancy is all the rage. Nowadays, it’s all about loading fast and your users getting the information they need on your website as quickly as possible.

That means that your UI design should be all about keeping things simple.

When it comes to keeping your UI design simple, it doesn’t mean that you have to stick to minimalism. You can still have a non-minimalist website that has a relatively simple procedure. As long as you keep things consistent, the website will offer an excellent experience.

Improve screen scannability

There is so much information and content on the Internet that users who visit your website don’t usually take in every piece of information.

Users usually do first to scan whatever web page they’re on to decide whether it’s worth their time. Therefore, as a UI designer, you should consider how “scannable” your website is. The more scannable it is, the easier it is for your website visitors to identify the critical points of your website and understand what it has to offer.

You want to make sure that you express the website’s value even to users or web visitors that come in to scan the site.

Have a clean navigation

One aspect of the website that you should pay special attention to when it comes to UI design would be your navigation system. You want to ensure that your website has a clean navigation menu. This ensures that your website visitors reach the pages containing the information they need as fast as possible.

As the UI designer, it should be your job to ensure that any critical part of its navigation system is evident to website visitors. You should also ensure that the design even emphasizes the places you want your website visitors to go.

Pick the right color palette

When choosing the color palette for a website, you should stick to whatever branding colors you have. Otherwise, you can always build your branding strategy and identity from scratch.

Once you have the right color palette, consider how you can play around with it. You want to ensure that your website functionalities are highlighted using colors that would stand out without deviating from your brand colors.

Also, you should ensure that you have a visually appealing website. This means that the colors aren’t out of place or jarring. Strategic implementation of website color can make all the difference in improving online conversions.

Emphasize your CTAs

Speaking of using color to highlight essential parts of your website, you should make sure that you emphasize any CTAs on the website. Each webpage or website should have an end goal of sorts, and the CTA should be leading up to that goal.

As a UI designer, you want the web design to make it easier for web visitors to do that particular action that you want from them.

Even though there is one end goal for a web page, sometimes there are other CTAs present. You then have to ensure that you make these minor goals present without disturbing or taking away from the primary end goal for the web page. Thus, it would be best if you played around with how you emphasize specific CTAs.

Simplify your forms

Getting crucial information from your audience is very helpful for the business. That’s the reason why many websites include forms in them after their website has done all the work to make web visitors want more. However, when it comes to including forms in your website, make sure you set a realistic standard for the site.

You have to make sure that your forms are simple and easy to understand. You don’t want to intimidate your web visitors or lose their interest by having an unnecessarily long form. If anything, all you need from them is their name and their email. Any other information is extra.

Aside from that, the placement of your form is also essential. You can’t immediately include a form under the fold. It would help if you had some context and content to encourage people and understand the value you can bring to them when they fill out the form.

Utilize white space

White space is a design element that can make all the difference in bettering the appearance of your website. Of course, too much white space can make your website look empty. But if you’re strategic and smart with your white space placement, it can make your website content pop even more.


The UI design tricks listed above can help you optimize your site and improve conversions.

Of course, your design must be data-driven. That way, you would know whether changing button colors, for instance, can help you achieve your marketing goals.

Author Bio

Ciara Perkins is a content marketing specialist with more than three years of copywriting experience. She has worked in diverse industries ranging from marketing to financial services. As a content marketing specialist, her mission is to help companies embrace technology. Connect with Ciara on Twitter.

Tags: UXUI
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