5 Ways to Optimize Your Real Estate Website

5 Ways to Optimize Your Real Estate Website

5 Ways to Optimize Your Real Estate Website

An optimal, user-friendly and easy-to-navigate website attracts new visitors. It is more than just designing a website and adding listings, information and images. Make your website appealing, practical, functional and optimised for search engines, as that is how you attract new visitors and make clients. There are various ways to boost your online presence and optimise your website – this is true for every business niche. Keep reading to learn more about the 5 best ways to optimise your real estate website.

First of all, make your website mobile-friendly as more and more people use their phones for both business and private purposes. Then, you should optimise your website for local searches – more on that later. Moreover, posting quality and relevant content regularly is quintessential, so make sure that you keep your blog up to date. Additionally, you should also include client testimonials and reviews. And lastly, you should create internal links and optimise images for Google searches as well. 

  1. Make your website mobile-friendly

We will start off with recent statistics. Some studies were conducted, and they show that a staggering 89% of home buyers use their phones to conduct their searches. Also, 68% of home shoppers use various real estate apps as well. So, the reason behind making your website mobile-friendly is apparent. If you don’t already have a mobile-friendly version of your real estate website, you should definitely start working on it. In that way, you will appeal to a much larger target audience. The studies also found that people use their phones for real estate research while at work, at home, waiting in lines or restaurants. Also, Google ranks mobile-friendly websites higher than those that aren’t.

  1. Optimise your website for local searches

The next thing you should consider is optimising your website for local searches. SEO offers excellent possibilities for maximising website visits, and you should learn how to use them to your advantage. The first thing is the usage of keywords. For example, most real estate starches include a local area as well. So, people search for dream houses for sale in Narooma, apartments in Sydney, beach houses in Queensland, etc. You should boost the SEO potential of your real estate website by including these keywords in your website pages and titles and incorporating them in the content you post.

  1. Update your blog regularly with relevant topics

The real estate market is a highly competitive one, and to stand out from the crowd, you should write quality content and post it regularly. The topics should be relevant and hot. You can use Google searches to learn about the most frequently asked real estate-related questions. What Google favours in terms of content is consistent, comprehensive and compelling content. Such content will keep visitors coming back. Don;t forget to showcase some of the most recent articles on your homepage. You can also repurpose the content for social media – it is also a valid way to boost your online presence.

  1. Include testimonials and reviews

Today, nobody buys anything before reading about other people’s experiences and watching online reviews. This is true for anything from clothes, cosmetics, and makeup to technology, cars and real estate. So, another way you can optimise your website, even more is by including testimonials and reviews on your homepage. People trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations – so you get their importance. Testimonials and reviews should be viable components of your website. However, remember that you must work on getting these reviews and testimonials: you should encourage your clients to write reviews. 

  1. Create internal links and optimise images for Google searches

Besides working on getting external links by link building, you should also create internal links to other pages on your website. The strategy of adding internal links helps Google understand your website. People are more likely to find you when you have internal links throughout your content and website. Even a few well-placed internal links can make a big difference in SEO.

Besides these things, what is also relevant is optimising images for Google searches as well. It is critical, and yet, many businesses overlook its importance. Optimising images for Google searches means adding a relevant description to them, which will help prospective clients find you. As a real estate website owner, you should include many genuine property photos in your listings. Make sure to add relevant keywords to their description. 

SEO is a crucial aspect of every business that aims to boost its online presence, generate more website traffic and increase profit. If your real estate website still needs to be optimised, we suggest starting ASAP – it takes some time for results to be seen, but it is definitely w worthwhile investment. 

Nick Loggie:
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