5 Smart Ways to Combine Marketing with SEO for More Traffic

To increase your brand awareness and increase your traffic significantly, you have to understand how SEO works. This is important because there are thousands of people worldwide who need the content you create and the best way for you to get it across to them is by employing the right SEO techniques. 

According to research by HubSpot, up to 80% of traffic online starts with a search. This is even the more reason why SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is more important. To stay on top of your SEO, it requires plenty of experimentation and research. You also need to be updated with the recent developments with Google as it continues to update its algorithm regularly. Being informed of these updates and progress will help your SEO strategy a lot as it will ensure that you are in line with the ranking factors that will ensure your site stays on top of the ranks. With this knowledge and by exercising the best practices related to SEO, it is only a matter of time before you start to attract a lot more traffic to your website. 

So, here are the best practices for combining marketing with SEO for more traffic.

Carry out your website SEO audit

This is the best way for you to find out why you are not doing well enough in terms of online sales and search traffic on your website. An SEO audit is a service that some SEO companies offer, but you will be able to save so much more money if you do it by yourself. 

An SEO audit refers to a close examination of the overall state and performance of your website. With this, you will be able to set your goals based on finding, and implementing these tactics will help you to accomplish your goals. This will help you to make more profit by maximizing your content and making the best of them. 

This is very important because many websites miss some fundamental things, such as page descriptions or titles. Many of these little things that are overlooked during website creation can be rectified with an SEO audit. 

In carrying out an audit, there are certain things that you have to check, these are:

  • Are there SEO descriptions and meta titles on your web pages?
  • Did you optimize your website pages for SEO keywords?
  • Have you optimized the structure of your URL for search engines?

These are some of the checks that you need to carry out. 

Make sure you optimize your landing pages for SEO

If your landing page is well designed and optimized, it can significantly improve your sales and lead generation. The higher the number of landing pages that you have, the more opportunity you have to attract incoming search traffic. The problem with many B2B companies is that they do not fully understand how relevant landing pages are for capturing new users. 

Some of the critical elements that a good landing page have are:

  • Informative and useful content
  • No navigation (the visitors have to remain on the page)
  • A call to action (this should be for them to sign up for a service or product, download lead magnets, etc.)

To optimize your landing page for SEO, you have to get a long-tail keyword that you will use all around your landing page. Use the keyword throughout the landing page content in a natural manner to avoid keyword stuffing. Put the long-tail keyword first in the headline, in one subheading at least, and across the continent. 

Your landing page content should also be compelling enough to make the readers take the next step. All the parts, headlines, body content, etc. should add up to increase your brand credibility. You also need to include links to help you rank better. 

Mobile-friendly website

More than ever, you have a responsibility to ensure that your website appears well on mobile phones. More than 60% of internet searches are carried out with a mobile device, so you have to optimize your site, which is perfect for mobile users. Google made some changes to their algorithms in 2016, which ensures that websites that are compatible with mobile devices rank better and easily get more organic searches. 

The numbers relating to eCommerce are even more impressive. Experts already predicted that 45% of eCommerce sales would be carried out with a mobile device. This is about $284billion in the United States alone. This is the more reason why you should make your website more mobile-friendly. This is now the standard for websites. Your website has to have a responsive web design. 

For your website to be deemed responsive, you have to aim towards allowing web pages to respond in a way that fits the web browser or screen size of the device used to view it. This also means that you have to provide support to different websites for your website. 

Use an infographic to grow your traffic

Infographics have become very popular as they help you to present information simply and understandably. It does not matter how complex the information is, infographic enables you to break it down into understandable information. The fact that 65% of people tend to learn visually makes the use of a graphic to pass information more useful than texts. 

Using a high-quality infographic, you can increase the traffic on your website by 193% within one year. However, many sites do not pay enough attention to the use of infographics on their website. Even if they do, they prioritize the graphic and not the info. As important as the graphic design is, it is more important that you have the right facts and are passing credible information. 

According to some studies, website readers have 30x more likelihood to read an infographic than a text article. Also, websites that regularly use infographics tend to have 12% faster traffic growth than those websites that don’t.

Write 1890-word long content

According to an analysis of 1 million searches by Backlinko, they found that the average search result on the first page had an average word of 1890 words. Many other studies correlate with this and show a significant correlation between a site’s search engine ranking and the length of its content.  Another experiment to corroborate this is one at QuickSprout where contents with more than 1500 words had twice the number of social shares that contain less than 1500 words. 

To be valid with this, you have to make sure that you cover every detail of a topic with so much quality that all the parts of the article are valuable to those reading it. The value of the post will determine how well Google will rank it in the result page. Another benefit of writing long content is that it naturally has more relevant keywords that you can also rank for. 


The best way to increase the traffic on your website is by using SEO, and SEOs are very useful when you combine it with your content marketing strategy. There are many ways in which you can accomplish this, and the article already explained some of them. 

Author’s Bio 

Charlie Svennson is a fast, engaging freelance writer at Best Custom Essay. He is skilled in content writing and blogging. The favorite topics of his posts are education, social media, marketing, SEO, motivation, blogging, and self-growth. Excellent adaptability of skills to reach diverse audiences. 


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