Why You Should Base Your Digital Marketing Strategy on Email

There will be around 3.8 billion people who use email before 2018 ends, according to a study by the Radicati Group. This means half of the world’s population uses email today! The convenience of email marketing automation software makes email even more popular to solopreneurs, big businesses, and professionals.  

Emails provide a convenient, personal, and versatile way of communication across different kinds of industries. This data from Knowledge Base shows that the average open rate for all industries is 18.16%. Religious organizations, Civic or Social Organizations, and Educational Institutions have the highest open rates at 28.02%, 25.28%, and 24.14% respectively.

Building up your email data

Data is the foundation of your digital marketing success. Marketers who have the right data can add a personal and client-centered touch in an overcrowded online space.

A good subscriber database contributes to the total revenue by converting, retaining and upselling clients. Knowing who your clients are and what their potential problems, will help you provide them with the right solution.

Your database is also important in keeping your sender score high, a crucial indicator of your email marketing effectiveness. Sender score quantifies your reputation based on the emails you have sent. If you are sending plenty of generic and spammy messages, your sender score will be low.

But if you are sending segmented and helpful emails, then you’ll have a high score.

How automation software helps create a well-rounded marketing strategy

Automation software will help you start a smooth and effective database collection. The first step in anything is always important because it will set the pace and quality of all your subsequent steps. The software will allow you to build signup forms, collect emails, and integrate most of your digital platforms for an efficient and effective data collection.

After you have a good database, automation software will also aid in nurturing your leads. It allows you to schedule your emails and send emails based on triggers. Your marketing efforts will continue even if you’re asleep or on a vacation.

How to treat email marketing as your primary tool

Email isn’t going away. The trends will change but email will stay and it will only be more influential. Email users are expected to grow to 4.1 billion by 2021 according to Radicati Group. Marketers who master email marketing and adapt though its changes will win.

Make email marketing your primary tool while allowing others to support it through the following strategies:

  1. Use it to integrate all your marketing strategies

All other activities for your digital marketing can be supported by email. For example, you can share your blogs, videos, and images through email. You can also invite your subscribers to a live event, social media contest, or a webinar.

Likewise, you can use your website and social media to build up your email list. Allowing all of your marketing activities to revolve around email marketing multiplies the results of your efforts.

  1. Use it to build a lifetime relationship with a client

Loyal customers are worth gold. Doing email marketing the right way will preserve many of your customers for life.

You can do this by consistently providing value and updating them on their customers’ journey. Send them birthday messages, anniversary greetings, and other personalized emails that will separate you from other brands.

  1. Use emails to send hyper-personalized messages

One of the most important things that separate emails from other forms of marketing is that it is highly personal. People don’t just easily give away their emails.

Because it’s personal, you have better chances of connecting to your client on a deeper level, as long as you don’t abuse it. Segmentation using the database you have collected and behavior triggers makes it possible for you to send hyper-personalized messages that the receiver can truly resonate with.

Wrap up

Most importantly, email provides the best ROI at 122% according to DMA. It ensures that every penny you spend is returned more than a hundred-fold. It is way ahead of other forms of marketing including social media and paid search.

Channel most of your efforts towards strategies that gives the highest returns. Statistics have proven that email does just that. Make it the cornerstone of your digital marketing strategy because the numbers don’t lie.

Authors Bio:

Luda Greko is a Digital Content Manager for ActiveTrail, a leading provider of professional-grade email marketing and automation software for growing businesses. By day she writes for top online marketing sites about email marketing and marketing automation, and by night she is a lifestyle blogger and a social media enthusiast.

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