How to Use Digital Marketing Automation to Generate Leads and Close Business Faster

How to Use Digital Marketing Automation to Generate Leads and Close Business Faster

How to Use Digital Marketing Automation to Generate Leads and Close Business Faster

With the popularity of online marketing, digital marketing automation is one of the most reliable techniques that are currently used by different companies and entrepreneurs. This technique is also used by small businesses to make their business grow rapidly. To implement digital marketing automation effectively, you need to know the proper steps involved in this process.

1. Create the right content

Content is the cornerstone of all digital marketing campaigns, so it’s important that you’re creating the right kind of content. This means understanding your audience and creating content that they’ll find useful or entertaining. It can also be helpful to create an editorial calendar so that you know what kinds of content you need to create throughout the year.

You can use tools like Google Analytics to find out what your audience is looking for, and then create content that addresses their needs. This is a good way to get started with your content, but it’s also important that you continue to build on this knowledge as time goes on. You’ll find that you’ll have more success if you’re able to create engaging and relevant content that people want to share with others.

2. Send content to the right people

Marketing automation isn’t just about sending out the same email to everyone who visits your website. It’s about identifying who your best customers are and targeting them with the most relevant content.

With marketing automation, you can send targeted emails to specific groups of people based on their behavior, location and other factors. You can also segment your list based on demographics like age and gender, or even create a separate list for each product or service you offer.

For example, if you have a blog on your website but only one person visits it each month, that doesn’t mean you should stop writing blog posts altogether — but perhaps it’s time to repurpose those articles into an email newsletter instead of trying to get people back onto your website every time you publish something new.

Marketing automation helps you connect with customers at exactly the right moment by sending them highly relevant content based on what they’ve already shown interest in before they even ask for it!

3. Make sure your content is available when prospects want it

The best way to do this is by creating a dynamic content strategy that publishes different pieces of content at different times of the day, week and year. For example, if you have an e-book on growing tomatoes, you might post it during the summer months when people are more likely to be interested in gardening tips, then repurpose it for fall when they’re thinking about Thanksgiving dinners.

4. Use good lead scoring practices

Lead scoring is a way to evaluate whether a prospect is likely to become a customer or not. The more likely they are, the higher their score will be. The higher their score, the more resources you should devote to them — both human resources and automated ones like email campaigns and social media ads.

Automated lead scoring allows you to prioritize prospects who are most likely to convert by putting them at the top of your sales funnel.

For example, if someone signs up for a free trial on your website, they might get an email with a link that takes them through an onboarding process where they’re asked questions about their background in order to determine whether they have experience as an accountant or not. If they answer “yes”, then they might receive one type of email campaign; if they answer “no” they might receive another.

What’s more, you can use automated lead scoring to prioritize customers who’ve shown interest in your product by adding them to a segmented list and sending them targeted emails that encourage them to become a paying customer.

5. Ensure that content works across multiple channels

In order to make your content work across multiple channels, you need a way to track the effectiveness of each channel. This will enable you to optimize your digital marketing strategy and focus on the channels that are producing the best results for you.

You can use a variety of different tools for this purpose, including Google Analytics, which is free if you have a basic website. Some other options include HubSpot’s Inbound Marketing Software or Unbounce’s Landing Page Software.

6. Know where prospects are in the buyer’s journey

Digital marketing automation is a tool that helps you identify what content to show your prospects at each stage of their buying process. For example, if someone comes to your website and downloads an ebook, they might be further along in the purchase decision than someone who visited the home page but didn’t download anything.

Knowing where your users are in their journey will help you determine what content to push out via email. For example, if someone has downloaded a piece of content, send them more information about that same product or category. If they haven’t downloaded anything yet, send them something else entirely (e.g., a different ebook).

The Takeaway

Clearly, digital marketing automation can help streamline your digital marketing efforts and improve lead generation. Your customers will have a better experience and fall in love with your brand, which leads to increased referral traffic. And at the end of the day it all adds up to increased sales, leads, and brand awareness. So how are you using this technology?

Tags: automation
Nick Loggie:
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