How In-Depth Content Can Help Increase Your Digital Footprint

A well written piece of content not only allows you to outshine your business from the rest – it also conveys the apt message to your target audience. To benefit from lucrative results, it is pivotal to come up with the right strategy at the right time. Therefore, it is indispensable for every business to comprehend the significance of investing in good quality in-depth content.

Having said that, a lot of businesses and brands are hell bent on increasing their digital footprint as compared to improving it. It’s a minute difference, but of great importance nonetheless. To focus on increasing your digital footprint through in-depth content – one must consider the following points:

  • Create fresh content that is valuable and refresh outdated or poor content
  • Design content that you really want to be associated with your brand
  • Analyze what is working and what is not working in terms of engagement

Here are some more useful tips to help you follow through.

Refreshing and Creating Your Content

Before you come up with anything, you need to have a clear content marketing strategy. When designing a well-elaborated content strategy, you must target to resolve the needs and wants of your target market. Please keep in mind that it is the needs and wants of your target audience — not the needs and wants of your own business.

Question yourself, how does my brand or business make a difference? Tackle content marketing with the idea that you are in business to serve people, then focus your emphasis on what knowledge can provide value and be helpful.

The idea here is to become a thought-leader, or an authority in your own industry, through the content you create and share.

Soon after a strategy is explained, in addition to the creation of new in-depth content (and a whole lot of it!), the business must work back through its brand’s messaging over the period of time.

It is essential to have consistent messaging. A business cannot afford its prospective clients to witness inconsistencies. They will be confused and it will lead to a negative and dissatisfied user experience. Therefore, it is important for you to take pride in all the messages on your website and other social platforms before handing out your content throughout the web and driving traffic back to your website.

If you haven’t taken inventory of your brand’s content in the recent past, you might want to reconsider doing a full content audit to get a better hold of what’s working in your favor and what is not.

Share Quality Content on Multiple Platforms

If you, as a business have only been relying on one or two online portals to distribute your content, try increasing your audience by posting your content on more than one platform. While making the most out of social-media platforms that suit your target audience, don’t forget about search results and SEO.

For example, if your target audience is not an ardent lover of Pinterest, a well-planned infographic post at Pinterest can still catch their attention in search results and may draw more traffic. Even mere images can do the trick. However, you must make sure to make your content images “pinable.”

Another way to attract more mileage through your content is to repost quality content. But the question arises, how do you figure out what’s good? Well, your audience feedback is one way to measure, so try not to post content that doesn’t receive an enthusiastic response — or no response at all. Absence of any response from your target may be one of the timing factors, but it could also be that your content didn’t ignite the spark. A good, well in-depth content is supposed to be shared by social media users if it’s valuable, funny, popular, useable and interesting.

Repurpose Good Content – Ebooks Maybe

One effective way to attract mileage, by making the most out of good quality content, is to come up with multiple pieces of related content that are linked to each other. For instance, a slideshow highlighting valuable tips for small to mid-sized businesses can be further elaborated in a separate blog post. Ebooks are a great source of in-depth content for your brand. People tend to prefer ebooks now instead of traditional hard-back copies.

You can also create individual slides that can later be posted on Twitter or Facebook, coupled with a video for YouTube. The idea of repurposing content is to help you target your prospective clients and respond them with content that best connects with where they are in the sales circle.

Create a Strategy for Sharing Your Content

Developing a concrete strategy that helps in sharing content is very important because it helps you identify what you wish to share and how. Assign your team with tasks like classifying social updates that receive the visible response and setting up tools and schedule for re-sharing/ reposting on different platforms.

By distributing good quality content on multiple platforms, you increase the potential of your efforts that you put in its marketing –resulting in a loyal following. Additionally, syndicating and repurposing quality content can serve the purpose of new and improved tool that forms on your top ideas.

Increases Leads

Various studies conducted recently suggest that the more pages a business has the more leads it attracts. It is also reported that brands and businesses with more than 400 pages of content on their credit manages to get double the leads than those with less than 100 pages.

Strengthen Your Social Media Initiatives

Social Media can be a very helpful tool for gaining visitors and traffic for your website; these networking sites have a tremendous virtual crowd. However, at times it’s hard to sustain active social media presence without having access to content that is exceptional and top quality.

Sharing external content (that others write for you) sounds good, but there’s nothing more satisfying than diverting those leads to your own business site. You can also seek professional help from those who specializes in content marketing software. For instance, this tool here has been received extremely well by business owners, marketers, bloggers and authors. It’s grown to almost 10,000 users in just six months and continues to grow fast.

It won’t be an understatement to say that in today’s time in-depth, good quality content is a new way to build a business or a brand which eventually increases digital footprint. Quality content is much more than sharing ideas. At the end of the day, there may be many platforms to choose from, but the important thing is that you take pride in the content that you distribute. It is much simpler to increase your digital footprint when it’s spearheaded by great content that your audience actually wants. By coming up with your own distinct thoughts, ideas and views, you grow your customer’s loyalty, search traffic, conversion rates, and sales eventually.

Author Bio

Sohail Rupani is a Senior SEO Strategist for an agency known for best SEO Services in Florida ‘PNC Digital‘. He specializes in SEO and SEM techniques. He is passionate about technology and loves to analyze the tech industry in his spare time and stay in touch with the latest happenings. He also writes technical articles about SEO and digital marketing. Follow @sohailrupani for more updates.

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