9 Simple Ways to Improve Cart Recovery Email That Will Increase Your Conversions

9 Simple Ways to Improve Cart Recovery Email That Will Increase Your Conversions

9 Simple Ways to Improve Cart Recovery Email That Will Increase Your Conversions

Abandoned carts are often a dilemma that plagues most ecommerce brands. Abandoned carts remain high even during shopping holidays. 

Fortunately, there are several ways to make your cart recovery emails more compelling, increase the likelihood that customers will come back, and finalize their purchase. 

In this post, we’ll walk you through some tips on how you can create excellent abandoned cart emails: 

1. Integrate Key Components into Your Email Design

Ensure that your abandoned cart email will remind customers what they left behind in your store. You can include prices, product images, and other details. Let your customers know the value of returning to your site to complete a purchase. 

Make sure you use engaging, catchy subject lines that convince customers to buy from your store and boost your conversion rates. Also, a call to action that users can use. Ensure your CTAs are visible, clickable, and stand out to get customers back to where they left off. Don’t place links in your email that could misdirect customers to other websites. Tapping into your site’s Technical SEO can massively help as well. 

2. Get Your Customers’ Trust

Your site security is one of the leading causes of site abandonment. Thus, ensuring that you provide your customers with a safe and secure online shopping experience is essential. 

One of the best practices for gaining your customer’s trust is integrating reviews, badges, and trust seals. You could also send prospects reminders about the high-rated products and services they left in your shopping cart. 

You can also use fraud management tools to detect and prevent your ecommerce store from chargebacks and enhance your abandonment rates via false fraud protection. 

3. Make Your Copy Stand Out

With your customers’ inbox overflowing with unwanted e-mails, how do you stand out? People will connect better with you if you’re someone they can relate to instead of a faceless brand. So, rather than using a dry corporate tone, make sure that you use a relaxed, friendly manner, telling them that they: 

  • Left an item in their shopping cart
  • Must come back to purchase the item

Make sure you inject your brand personality into your body, CTA, and subject line to stand out from your customers’ crowded inboxes. The more casual your copy is, the better you’ll connect with your customers and reply to you. 

4. Email Content Split Testing

Many marketers must start using more cart abandonment strategies in a single email. This could be too much for your prospects. Too many images may distract them from your call to action, or you might be employing multiple tactics that can lead to conflicting emotions. 

We recommend using A/B split testing to find which combinations work best for you and your customers during this stage of the purchase funnel. For instance, your initial email might convert better if you use a more supportive tone. 

On the other hand, the final cart abandonment email that could generate the most clicks might be using a more sales-based tone and other persuasion strategies like the fear of missing out or social proof. 

5. Include Social Proof to Increase Conversions

Speaking of social proof, you should also incorporate these in your emails since many people tend to do what they see others doing. 

Here are some ways that you can utilize social proof to your advantage: 

  • Product ratings help gauge a product’s popularity
  • Product reviews show how people view the product
  • Testimonials serve as word-of-mouth statements from previous customers.

By showcasing product reviews and ratings in your abandoned cart emails, you’re giving prospects the confidence to purchase your product. 

6. Use Key Selling Points

Key selling points like costs, delivery timings, and even ecommerce returns can significantly impact your prospects’ overall purchasing decision. 

If you want to give customers an extra incentive to buy, then you must highlight these in your cart abandonment emails. 

7. Don’t Go Overboard with Discounts

Although you might be tempted to provide promo codes and discounts in your cart abandonment emails to entice people to check out, don’t overdo it. 

Too many discounts, and too often, can eventually affect your profit margins. Instead, make sure that you use deals strategically. If you have an offer, it’s worth highlighting this in your emails. 

On the other hand, a much better conversion rate strategy is using selective discounts in second or third-cycle emails. 

8. Incorporate a Sense of Urgency

In cases wherein prices like shipping offers are only time-limited, then you should make it clear to your customers. 

Incorporating a sense of urgency helps speed up their purchasing decision. For instance, if customers know that prices will increase soon or they need to order at a particular time, then sending them a reminder often does the trick. 

9. Send in Cycles

Your customers’ inboxes can be busy. They may miss your first email or come at a time when your customers aren’t ready to make a purchase yet.

Thus, sending emails in cycles leads to better results. 

  • First-cycle emails’ goal is to remind customers of the items they’ve left in their shopping cart.
  • Second-cycle emails can be utilized to add some urgency, persuading shoppers.
  • Third-cycle emails are an opportunity to try something different, such as focusing on customer reviews or collecting helpful feedback through abandonment surveys.

Over to You

So there you have it. Hopefully, you’ll apply these tactics to optimize your cart abandonment emails. Not only will it increase your cart recovery rates, but it will also boost your conversions in the long run. Good luck!

Tags: E-commerce
Nick Loggie:
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